Plagued With FTP Problems On WordPress Express Blogs?

Last Update: September 08, 2010

Hello WA Buddies!

Greeting to new folks. 

Please read yesterday's Sept. 7th post titled, "1Major Tip Improving WA Site Use".    It will prevent you from going bonkers!

Plagued With FTP Problems On WA Blogs?

Plagued With FTP Problems On WA Blogs?  Old Mizer bugged Kyle and Carson to get the real skinny and this is what Kyle has recommended.

For Those Working WordPress Express, are you thinking that you've dreamed up nothing but trouble for yourself?  It's not your imagination. We're all having the same challenge, but if you followed all the steps in early July 8th setup, take a deep breath. 

*** As Internet marketers, we all have our setbacks so here's what you want to do anytime you're forming a blog or even a website:

Save all your work in notepad in the event you have to start 1 or more blogs over again.  That way,  you're not out of too much time. It's better to get this system working right rather than pushing Kyle & Carson to transfer "too many blogs".

The server additions are nothing new to major affiliates.

Whenever there's an upgrade, things will be down. You learn to go with it, make alternative arrangements (like plan an independent blog titled, "marshas-product-reviews"..., then you put all of your affiliate links over on that blog.  You can always hyperlink your WA WordPress blogs to that blog in time.


So here's what's unfolding. 

I cite Old Mizer (Matt), "Maybe you can help me with this Kyle" because it's more efficient to describe what we've been facing in 1 communication. 

Matt states:

* got my domain transferred

* checked hosting names over at GoDaddy

* they are set up correctly as NS1 and NS2, since joining before July 8th

* called GoDaddy and asked if they could ping the hosting server to make sure my domain was pointing towards them

* they said it was a problem on the side of the hosting server (WA) and I need to contact the person in charge

...moving data from one set of servers over to additional ones (DNS Nameservers NS3 and NS4) . 

*  you have been REAL busy adding new servers and more

When you have some time, could you take a look for me? Maybe the FTP name and password are different than what is showing on the page for WPE or Blog &Funnel.

*  When I type in the URL of my domain, the apache page appears.

Carson seems to think that is why the problem is one the side of the domain, GoDaddy.

NOTE:  For those of us working this system, we will encounter problems on both sides...web host and WA check first with your web host to correct problems on your end..., then ping the WA servers as your domain is set up with WA Hosting.

If we all communicate and work together, we can actively solve delays.


Kyle recommends this approach (as long as your situation precisely mirrors Old Mizer's problem):

Have you tried uploading your WPExpress site to your domain?

If not, try to do that now.

However, if this doesn't work, delete that domain within WordPress Express and WA Hosting.

Then I do think that you may need to change your DNS settings to ns3/ns4 now because any NEW domain created on our hosting after that date (regardless of the date you became a member) is getting placed on our new hosting, which has new DNS settings.

This is likely the issue here.


Please know that Kyle & Carson are doing their best

We'll keep working with everyone involved!

Help others who have not seen Kyle's message, once you know that their issues are the same.


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Old Mizer Premium
Count me in Barbara. I believe there is definitely strength in numbers. Sign me up! 8^}
famousplumber Premium