The Only Difference Between Me & You Is...

Last Update: October 30, 2009

Hello Fellow WA Buddies!

I promised this post would offer something unusual, giving you insight into how marketing really works. The goal of this post is to show you that there aren't big, big differences between me and you. Not really.

Here's why.

The only difference between me and you is that you're sitting on your side of the screen and I'm sitting on the other side of the screen. That's it!

Well, there's more.

The person who resides on the other side of your screen is the producer.

The person who reads this content could be called a consumer, but you're far, far more!

That's why people are hard-at-work to help you at WA.

This is about moving you from consumer mainly to producer. There is a leap.

Here's how.

You've been groomed to think a certain way ever since you've been a child. We've all been groomed to buy but many of us weren't taught how to really produce.

There's more.

It's important that you gradually move from consumer to producer because as a master marketer, all you're doing is finding out what people want and then you're working to deliver on their need.

Sounds easy, right?


The trick is to shift your mindset from completely consuming to mainly producing. That takes some work because if you've been groomed to think one way (as in a buying way) and you're now asked to think another way (as in a producing way), your brain tends to slow you down.

It takes time to make this shift in thinking.

So..., for those of us who are producers, we're constantly motivating to find solutions for other people! We know that if we can serve many needs, the rewards will come.

But marketing can never be greed-based.

That's a set-up for huge disaster.

Here's Where Things Really Get Interesting 

So how do you get what you want while you're busy meeting other people's needs?

The secret lies in what's called, "Mastered Positioning".

All this is by pure definition is -- "Placing yourself in the steam of consumption"! 

Sounds easy again, doesn't it? takes time for your brain to figure out precisely what the stream of consumption means.

I'll try to explain further.

When you see an ad that's very appealing, it triggers a few emotions in your brain. Those primal emotions are either pleasure or pain. Well, humans aren't apes but we're still primal, even though we'd rather not admit it.

We run away from pain and we gravitate towards pleasure, in it's most-basic form.

So if you can roughly accept these 2 explanations governing how many people motivate, you can then hinge off of their feelings to zero in on what they want.

There's more.

Now that ad you were drawn to did one of 2 things. It either triggered the need to get in some way, shape or form... 'more love' (connected to pleasure), or it triggered the need to solve 'a persistent pain'.

Marketers who do well financially know these emotions but if they're ethical, they will never sell the consumer what s/he never needs.

Now..., marketers put themselves right into the stream of product and service consumption by identifying the needs, wants and desires their audiences are hungry to solve most.

Then..., they identify what the primal emotions way or the other. Internet marketing campaigns are set up to 1) trigger the emotion by eliciting some type of action (like requesting a free report) and 2) inquiring for more information.

What marketers do is they use a powerful tool called, "Mastered Positioning".

I'm sitting on this side of the screen and you're sitting on that side of the screen.

I'm putting myself out there to build loyalty and some type of following, based on what people will communicate. Then..., I work like a dog to zero in on the primal emotions further, examining what types of motivations are prevailing. This is just basic business at work. Marketers do this to give you what you demand. At least, the best ones do.

Then, they find out what types of services or products you'll need most and they work to satisfy those needs (by creating a series of products you'll definitely need and want and purchase).

So who really created the "stream of consumption"?

Was it you or was it the marketer?

Well, it's both if both parties are working from honest places.

You seek to solve something and the genuine problem-solvers seek to make your life better using legitimate means.

Toasting Your Success,


Internet Marketing Consultant 

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