Visit With Marcus, Helping You Better!

Last Update: October 26, 2010

Guys and Gals,

Welcome New And Seasoned WA Buddies!

I want to share an email I just had with Marcus..our other superaffiliate. With his permission, I will share some content we've exchanged to bring you powerful insights and aid.  This content has been edited to reflect a more appropriate setting so I'm not compromising confidentiality.

This post shows you how we problem-solve various issues bringing you more. As we share ideas, tutorials and posts naturally form to question what we're doing or bring up things we could do far better.

The content that forms inside of WA can be pulled outside of WA into your blogs..., assuming you rewrite ideas here and there to better fit into your own WA promos.  The goal is to show outsiders at WA that we are truly here working actively on their (and your) behalf.

The most caring leaders will always keep your greatest business interests at  heart, and they will look for better ways to help you get what you need most.  They will not ask you to charge up credit when you don't need to do that. The idea is to build a powerhouse skillset you can pull into your growing you further build it up to the next successful stage.

You should always work your business on a budget, stay in the game, do whatever is needed to get the work done..., work your numbers, sift and sort to get to the ones who really want to work with you, then grow it further by reinvesting early seed $$ into that growth.

If you have to keep the most modest day job going, that is OK.  Know that you have a gem in your pocket waiting to be cut into a massive diamond or ruby...preferably both!


More Mindset Mastery

Marcus and I talk about how much we can help people before they help themselves.  

I start with:

* Your biggest challenge when first coming online is verifying much of what you were previously taught -- it can get in the way (if you let it).

That's why I pull in empowering statements like:  "I intend to move actively beyond my fears and limitations...and I intend to move actively beyond the fears and limitations of others".  The only reason why I can teach this concept is because I use it daily.

* You have to challenge old beliefs because the Internet stores anything you publish. So what took decades to appear now takes seconds, and it is stored for future reading. This is how you can take time off at a later date, once you have content appearing under your name.

* Your online business can grow and expand quicker than we've ever imagined so that's why you want to build your campaigns ahead-of-time.

* Your marketing infrastructure is the operating platform for your business so that you can handle incoming numbers fast.  With a weak structure in place, your campaign will fold as those numbers approach you.

* Your solid platform includes messages...a website and/or landing page people can see to read what you're promoting and data capture + a blog..or many so that you have something to send traffic to.

* And as you build a solid operational campaign in the beginning, you have built something made to last.

* To get a day off here and there, this happens when you have more blog content published under your name + a site + data capture + emails!

* Pull in the WA STF club or WA blog & funnel to save major time and $$ lost scratching your head.


Getting back to the visit I had with Marcus, we can only help you motivate as long as you help yourself. We can't do the work for you but we can help with instructions and encouragement.

To motivate you better, we are always looking for active ways to improve our assistance.


Every person here is extremely important.

If you do not ask Q's, we cannot improve delivery.

As stated in prior posts, it's very important that you ask the smallest to the largest Q's.

* We can direct you to tutorials when we know solutions are already available..., but... sometimes tools at WA aren't fully ready so please be patient.

* People tend to want the full digital library NOW when they can only handle a few slices of pizza.

* Information online is always expanding.

* We share what's proven, but as the search engines and other integrated marketing techniques come to the forefront, we track the best methods and report back to you.

Let's Address Motivating Marketing Folks When They're Unsure

When people come online, they are naturally skeptical.  This is OK!  And...there have been people jaded by MLM companies and/or other affiliates who couldn't be there...let's say for blameless reasons. I was one of those folks. But let's not hang onto blame, because blame really does nothing but stall problem-solving.

The fact is (and I'll repeat this stage of your marketing often):

1) It takes time to figure out how a starter campaign works.

HINT:  Just work on traffic. Work on your blog inside of WA to target traffic. 

If you don't know what's involved, you really don't have to.

You just have to take action. Go back to the action plan.  I revisit the WA action plan weekly ! Then use your intuition.  Pull in your personality because there's only 1 YOU in the world! Celebrate your uniqueness and know that you will attract people to you on the basis of who you naturally are.

The best action you take, the more information you'll get, and the better your understanding will be.

2) It takes time to know how to attract others, form your responsive contact list, and better work that list once you've built it. 

3) It takes time to build solid relationships, find out what people want, find the best alternatives for them, and then move products delivering solid solutions and value ....getting you paid through commissions and/or projects you tackle and deliver at IM levels.


Your best actions are always:

* working on your blog

* writing blog posts

* talking to others in forums, asking what you can do to help (this part is connected to online success and pay)

* problem-solving in teams

* leveraging others skills

* working in your own natural abilities

* aligning what you naturally know with what others naturally know

* also remembering that even if you're following some proven action plans, your business will be a direct reflection of who you are in the world!


How We Problem-Solve On Your Behalf

If you are new, you can't always see problem-solving work unfolding behind-the-scenes.

Online, when you're looking at who's who,  it's true that some marketers take full advantage of new folks who don't know what's involved in online marketing.  I cite some of the largest conventions held by Internet marketers teaching "superficial content" others pay thousands to get when what they really need is hard-core business content showing you:

AT WA, our intention is and will never be to do that.  You want information that reveals most openly (and transparently)

* operations

* procedures

* math numbers

* targets

* closing business

* management of content to build into other expanded business ways -- i.e. , growth.

You have to be a highly experienced business owner to share and teach comprehensive it's no wonder you get some meaningless, trivial drivel online.

At WA, you are gaining access to some of the best content available anywhere. I verify this fact directly as I pull in 10 year's of direct franchising experience, my executive managerial know-how, and martial arts (mastered) leadership.


Motivating You To Strive For Your Best

Marcus and I talk about how it can be challenging for us to motivate others when...

* they may not yet know what to do with their own ability

That's OK.

What we're after is some action that will reveal to you what you like and don't like to do so that you can align your like's with success for pay. This part is extremely important.

At the end of the day, experienced marketers can only give so much.

We can't push you into success.  We can pave the way and pull with our own actions..showing you what we're doing.


Challenging Old Programming

In Internet marketing there is a lot of self-belief involved, as Marcus confirmed.

In order to move forward, you must possess an inherent belief in yourself.

If you don't yet have it established, then you're looking to mentors to help you find your way through the tunnel.

"The fact remains that just about anyone has the ability to do this!", (Marcus, 2010).  I concur.

You don't have to be tall or perfect, slender or above average.   You just have to care about yourself and others, in blended unison.

If you can do that, you have everything you need NOW to attract people to you.


1 in 2,000 Do Something

In an earlier post, I talked about 1:2000 take their learning and apply it.

You can be that 1 person if you work with buddies, ask a lot of questions..., trust at times when you're terrified of doing so (by pulling in your power affirmations).

* Always surround yourself with powerful, positive people

* Never accept, "You can't do this" from anyone. They're only saying to you that they can't do it (a mere projection of what they have not yet envisioned).


Current Work Realities

Marcus confirms, "More and more people are being forced out of the workplace from fairly lofty positions, and that is likely to increase the levels of success online".

That means you'll be working with people from all walks of life.

I work with people who have been in retail, management, law, no doctors yet but remain hopeful.., professional airline pilots, fighterpilots, U.S. Air Force folks, work-at-home moms.  In this group, work-at-home moms can be some of the most powerfully motivated people!

Marcus confirms, "People like this bring a new level of understanding and commitment to the table, and will be more inclined to approach their Internet marketing from the right angle. By that I mean, it will be a lot more than a casual opportunity to them...they are likely to give this EVERYTHING they've got".


As I visit with Marcus further, I point out the obvious things:

* To communicate effectively with others, we must rely on group communications so your blog comes in very handy to save you major time!

* Pull in some work from the forum responses you offer others to build your own tutorials and blog posts.  You can edit content as you see me doing here. Offer credit if you're pulling in someone you're citing.

Furthermore, I suggest with Marcus:

* by sharing positive affirmations designed to behaviorally shift people in empowered directions, IM leaders really cannot accept excuses because they only enable unnecessary no action taken to move the new marketer along.


We're Seeing Amazing People Enter Internet Marketing (IM)

"People are being forced out of the workplace from fairly lofty positions...likely to increase success online"...(Marcus, 2010).

I confirm through corporate upper level executive management that:

  • Companies work a billion dollar blueprint during these dire times designed to accomplish a few things:  increase equity (as they should have done long ago), decrease debt holdings (as they should have done long ago but didn't so they were overly-leveraged)..., increase cash savings..., and heavily emphasize automation to reduce bottom line costs. 
  • In graduate business schools, they are instructing key leaders to encourage employees to update and revisit technological skills further in an effort to readily compete in U.S. and global markets. 
  • Internet marketing fits this bill to a 21st-Century T.
  • Large companies have learned to get as much labor results as they possibly can without paying out much in cash.  I cite a high school grad will generate roughly $50,000/yr. for a company when they're paid $13,000/yr...., a college grad will generate[/b] about $80,000/yr. when they are paid $23,000 - $33,000/yr..., and a graduate degree with 10 years managerial experience will earn the company $800,000/yr. on a $130,000/yr. salary. 
  • If people knew what these federal stats were (Census Data, 2005), they would be more inclined to reach their own levels of accomplishment.
  • I share this information with you NOW. This is your true worth as a human being and you are entirely capable of generating very high pay levels for yourself.

The more sophisticated marketers now appearing...

"bring a new level of understanding and commitment to the table", (Marcus, 2010).

I agree.

Our job is to help them see they are inherently valuable long before they pool their skills at the marketing table. 

I have persistently asked people to work their buddy systems.  As I have also been working with Mr. Duff (CEO) at Onstage Marketing where, they emphasize buddy systems, but do not actively teach its value. 

Time to write another tutorial !  (HINT:  If you can do this, go for it NOW. If it's your first one, just form a current tutorial  not  based on a PDF file.  Talk about WHY buddy systems help you keep your own motivations going, and talk about what these buddies have personally taught you!)

I will never take your time for granted..., nor will any of your own WA Buddy ideas go unnoticed. 

When you take the time to offer any one of us a comment, we learn as much from you as you learn from us!

As I share this visit with you today, I pull it into my WA blog next!  It's kinda like snatching 2 birds with 1 swooping effort.

Toasting Your Success Online!


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jatdebeaune Premium
It's often difficult to feel this kind of support and validation from outside friendships and the "uninitiated". So many are caught in a rut and are smugly confident, unwilling to stick their necks out, unwilling to trust or commit or invest in themselves, in their own ideas, and exploring new paths. I make no judgment, just observation. It's so refreshing to be here amongst like minded creative people. It has fed, nurtured my usually high spirits. High spirits or not, everyone needs compatible company. Honestly, on the outside, with the exception of my family, my love of Internet is met with dull amazement. Thanks Barbara. Thanks Marcus.
Labman_1 Premium
Thanks for that. Another reason to appreciate this wonderful experience that has been created here.
Jamie Smith Premium
Cheers Barbara to you & Marcus for being such a blessing to the WA family worldwide!