WA Blog/Funnel System Review

Last Update: June 22, 2010

Welcome Fellow WA Buddies!

Here's a LIVE update.  You guys and gals are like the people residing in my inner marketing circle -- so you get the beef before others do.  Kyle and Carson did not ask me to write this post.  I'm doing it for you because it's a huge time-saver and it can move you forward faster than "white-knuckling" your marketing from scratch.

The Why's, What-For's and How To's of The WA Turnkey System

What It Is

It is --

* A quick and easy way to get something online going without the terrible pain/anxiety...or worse...lost cash.

* A template for other campaign set up!

Trust me --  I spent years just figuring out just BLOG + SITE + KEYWORDS + TRAFFIC + LIST BUILDING + RELATIONSHIPS = BUSINESS.

What Is It NOT

* A system doing ALL of the work for you. That system does not exist.  I'll apologize in advance because I do not wish to step on toes. The core truth is -- you are already a success.  You may not see it (yet) because this work happens long before anyone gets paid.

* A reason to get fast money without servicing people properly.


1 of 2 Choices Ahead of You

All marketers face this challenge until we get hit on the head too often...and then we realize -- ok -- I'm not ready for my own product creation because that's advanced (and I've already spent a ton of $$)... so..., I'll get smart and promote someone else's product first.

It's a novel idea, isn't it?

This is the path of least resistance, but you also have to promote your name for best outcomes.  Most who make it in this game have Plan A, Plan B, Plan C and so on.  Plan A = 1st profits... Plan B = Sustainable Growth...Plan C = Maybe Your Own Product.

Plan A = Affiliate Marketing

The other 98% who go it alone  -- may not get through Plan A so they never realize Plan B or C.

Recommendation -- Whoever you choose, work from a proven system.  You will still be able to build your list and build rapport working with people appearing on your list!


Ask -- Why Do I Need A Blog (Word Press Express)?

A blog positions you 'out there'.  You will attract people, but they must find you.  They can't find you if you're not there.  It's a chicken or egg scenario. 

People want to know who you are, know what you represent, and see where you're generally headed. That way, they can either decide to follow or not.

Recommendation -- Get Word Press Express, but AFTER you set up the WA FUNNEL.  You may not necessarily need Word Press Express, but it's handy if you like social media (Facebook, Twitter, etc.).

1) You will need accounts in all of the places the WA FUNNEL recommends. 

2) Kindly follow all steps in proper order. 

3) The system tells you the absolute truth as campaigns successfully work online.

Ask -- Why Do I Need a Turnkey System (WA Funnel)?

Well.., if you're a genius and you can figure out Internet marketing in less than what it takes most of us to figure out, then go for it..., but know beforehand..., if you're in the sensible minority who realizes, "why not let the pro's handle the job for me"?  Then start with the WA Funnel.

The Blog and the Funnel Are Integrated

* YOU can start 1st with the FUNNEL.  You can add the blog later -- to see your blog, you must use the BLOG INFORMATION you build early in the FUNNEL system process:

Admin page: http://yourname.com/wp-admin
Your initial username: admin
Your initial password: you will get a password you put into your Word Press Blog log-in. Once you do this, you can reset your password.

.  For a powerful boost online, work in directions of both.

* The blog -- grabs peoples' attention, holds their interest, is a way to drive traffic to your website (FUNNEL) so that you can build multiple affiliate commissions. 

* The blog -- sifts and sorts through people for you.  The most interested ones who are attracted to WA must submit their information at the blog to get the FUNNEL course (as people click on the main URL leading them to the WA FUNNEL).

* You get all of your URL's (website and blog names) in the WA FUNNEL setup first.

* You must have a main domain name (www.yourname.com)

* You must have an autoresponder (A-Weber or GetResponse -- only $20/month) -- it's a worthy investment the top guns all make!  This tool keeps you "out of legal hot water" online.

* Then determine what the name of your Word Press blog will be.

* Go through the FUNNEL, follow all directions in domain and web hosting.

* Go into your autoresponder to set up basic e-mail content you'll see in the tutorials.

* Spell check all e-mails. They're rough in some places and the writing style may not necessarily fit you.  Reword e-mails, add your contact information at the end of each e-mail and you're set.  10 e-mails should keep readers busy for the scheduled length of time you find in the FUNNEL system setup.

* To connect your DNS nameserver (what???) -- use the names:



* You cut/paste these names under your main domain name hosted wherever you choose.  These name server names are the WA servers you're connecting your site to -- or more directly -- you're pointing your site to WA.

* DO NOT SET UP A SUBDOMAIN -- Just connect your main domain name to the WA servers and set up your Word Press Express blog.  It will appear when people click on your main domain...as far as I have tested the system.


* My site is in early progress

* Click  Below --


You will see lesson 1 of...I believe 8 lessons total.


* It's power carrying your name and image

* If you have to mask your domain if it connects to your Word Press blog.

* This system gives you 10 autoresponder e-mail messages so it's easy to set how you would set up your first list of messages, building contacts opting into that list.

But.., the system cuts through baloney and shows new folks who aren't yet at WA what they will need to do (as you're hopefully now doing).

It took me about 3 days to get this far.  There is some processing time involved where you're just scratching your head.  In that case, kindly ask questions.  There is a forum area set up for this system to get needed help.

Once you have your Blog and Funnel System set up, you will:

* Have to keep e-mails going...

* Post to your blog weekly

* Find a golden keyword phrase you can optimize in all your content.  NOTE: If you do not find your keyword phrases ahead of time, do not let this slow you down.  Just go through the system and get things going. In time, your mind will problem-solve this important question..., BUT do use the keyword tutorials at WA..., bookmark the keyword tool (important)..., and read everything you can find under finding a hot niche plus finding that hot market.

* Submit articles to ezines for basic starters

* Pick a blog template that does these things -- it is SEO optimized, it includes data capture (new contact information -- this you get in the early FUNNEL setup), a place where people can submit comments or suggestions on your blog...,

* Articles in your blog carrying links to your main website URL.

If anything does not make sense here, please ask me Q's! I will help wherever possible.

No question is too minor.

Toasting Your Success Using Proven Marketing Means,








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Devan Premium
Great Post. Thanks. Devan.