What To Do When Family Won't Help

Last Update: November 07, 2010

What To Do When Family Won't Help,

Hello WA Buddies!

I'm going to tackle a sensitive topic.  In the event you're saying to your family, "Hey...look. What I'm doing here is valuable and it will lead to pay...can you leave me alone for a while?"  I say this with extreme care and caution cause we all love our family members!

One Crisis After Another -- When Will They Settle Down?

I cite the show M-A-S-H...., "Here's an Oldie But Goody...-- "Half the family dying.  Other half pregnant".  There's always something demanding your attention. 

So how do you possibly cope?

Well..., think of your beloved family folks as players who are sitting like "oysters in your shell irritating you to death". They're here to bug you into the calmness you'd rather not master. (Truth-be-told, you're gonna need it because the public will push you far beyond what you'd think you could do yourself).

So it's not a commie-pinko plot.  You will face days where you can't get anything done because you're busy wiping noses.  It happens.  Of course..., I'm kidding here...and, if you've silently thought in your mind..."I'll make $$ when you leave me alone"!  We know that won't stand the acid reality test. 

You'll make $$ when you make up your mind to do it - regardless of what's happening around you.

And...yes...there will be days where you don't get much done.

I'm here to tell you, "It's ok and you'll get there as long as you persist, believe in yourself, and stay firm with your work schedule".

There will be some days where you'll get a lot more done than you anticipated -- so you'll have to push to just another half hour longer to get yet one more article done when your eyes would rather say "NO MORE!"

Push when you can as you can.

If you have to rest half a day on a weekend -- then do that.  You'll be more productive the following day.

Have You Even Gotten This Q?

How many times can you count on your fingers and toes -- "Yeah ...but WHEN are you going to get paid"?  I'll add still more humor to the mix  because one of the biggest jobs a CEO can ever master is the concept that business launch requires:

* new learning

* additional expertise (you didn't anticipate)

* a bit more mastery

* clarity

* sacrifice of time, effort, even some family time, holiday time

* and hugely persistent effort. 

IM is a legit field when the work is done well! 

However, your IM process is your process, not to be compared with another online marketer.   Your process is geared to work for you at your pace, as you figure out what will definitely work for you.  It takes time...so if family is really working overtime to bug you...you can still remain calm by knowing that everything will work out.  All bills will be paid on time..and ahead of time.  Do this first and foremost...and know that life is transient.  We're here for a short time so how will you make a difference in the world? 

If you're thinking..."transient"????  What is she saying here?

Well..., it's NOT what you're thinking...as in... when you're painting a mental picture of a guy or gal sleeping in an cold alley ...then hoping for warmer weather.

I'm talking about you and your biz getting a start and running over time so you CAN contribute in ways you'd like to contribute most,..and you can change whatever you don't like about your life - whatever it is -- and you CAN profit well ...and maybe even evolve a little bit further.  So...I use the word transient in the sense that if your family is bugging you, tell yourself -- "SELF!  Yes...this moment too shall pass"...and it will.

You can assure yourself that you will be OK with their behavior all while you're still working during their chaos...writing something live...as is the case for me, here and right now.

I cite the use of earplugs and the basement + use of a back room office too.  I love these methods and rooms because they save my life!  

Preserve family meal time when you can.

Emphasize what you did today instead of what you didn't yet get covered, and tell yourself that it's entirely ok!

Baby step...baby step forward.

What you can accomplish in 1 year is massive! What you do in 2 is even greater.  Imagine what you'll have at the end of year 3 and 4? 


Keep your work going.  Bringing you more in time... as I figure out what you want!

Toasting Your Success Online,





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Labman_1 Premium
I don't think the 5 pound sledge is really an option but thanks for the chuckle Joan. Barbara, I printed your post and dropped it on my bed for the next time the wifely goes in there. This is difficult especially when the first successful payday hasn't arrived yet. I'm still praying that I have chosen well with my niches and that all this work will kick in and start the trickle of monetary rewards. I have already internalized many of the other rewards and make progress everyday even if there isn't a paycheck involved yet. Research is fun, reading is fundamental, so write already.
jatdebeaune Premium
Great advice. And if it doesn't work, invest in a mallet and keep it next to your desk. Yes, think BIG!