Word Press Express REAL TIME Update

Last Update: June 22, 2010

Hi There Fellow WA Buddies!

May this day find you well. What are the Top 3 benefits of using Word Press Express? 1) It gets you out there "doing"..., 2) Doing leads to yet more action, 3) You begin building your list by offering the free reports included in the system. 

I thought it might be a good idea to give you a real time update.  The blog is changing quickly.  That's what I see.

This is good news for you is --  you'll be up and running within a short time.

Yesterday, I was testing the data capture parts of the blog (where people submit information for a FREE report).

YOU WANT THESE WORKING PARTS ON YOUR BLOG TO WORK 100%! Test all links.  Enter "TEST" by your name.  You want to make sure the free report appears in an e-mail sent to you (test run).  These parts are connected to WA and/or to your free report where people get the information they really need. Always test all campaign parts..., it's like a moving car engine.  If anything is broken, your list will remain empty.

Make certain you get your autoresponder as soon as you can -- it costs you only $19.99/month. 

You need this tool to build your list!  If you're not sure how to connect A-Weber or Get Response (autoresponders) to your Word Press Express blog, be sure to read the tutorial you see listed inside of the funnel system. If you follow all steps listed in the right order, you should not have too much trouble.

If it takes you a day or so to get your autoresponder working, call customer support for help.  Try not to let weeks pass on this set up because it's common for new marketers to spend months staring at this tool.    

If you're a real gunner and you want to get things up and running fast, you may have noticed that the system is evolving daily. Check the WA Funnel & Blog System forum for common Q & A's. While testing working parts on the blog, there will be glitches.  On my blog, I hit a few.  That either tells me I'm still missing something that's key or that I should be patient with the blogging system (through WA).

For Your Blog To Lead To Profits, It Must Contain These Basic Things:

* SEO optimized

* A place where people submit comments and suggestions

* An RSS Feed (so they can see your immediate blog updates)

* A clean format (so people can read what you're sharing)

* At least 2 columns

* A place or two where people can submit their contact information -- VERY IMPORTANT

* You can customize your blog but this may slow you down

* Consider choosing a template that's easy to work with (it may not use CSS or html or xhtml coded languages, at first). These codes are very helpful if you will customize your blog at a later date.  If so, you can edit your template selection anytime.

* If what I just listed above doesn't make sense, find a template that gives you a W.I.Z.Z.I.W.I.G. (what you see is what you get editor). You don't have to worry about codes at all.

* You may have the option when choosing your blog template to add custom banners.  Pick a template, hit "continue" button, then head to your blog to see what you get.  You should already see some WA stuff there.

Test Your Blog Everywhere

Now test your template to see that it gives you, as long as it touches on a few of the key basics I talked about.

Don't worry if you're not sure what all of these basics MUST be.  

Just get your blog started.

Over time, as you form more posts, you will learn how your blog operates.

Biggest point -- post relevant content (that's rich and applies to WA content) in your blog often.  If you set a schedule where you post 1 time/week, just apply consistency as your major rule and you'll be okay. You can post 2 times/week, it's up to you. You can post once a month or bi-weekly.  Whatever your pace -- you decide.  Just work for consistency to give the search engines and inquiring minds what they want -- "fresh content updated regularly". 

Stopping there.

Feel free to post your questions or comments.  For every one of you who have "a very simple question", 200 other people are thinking the same thing. So be brave.  Ask a question if you can't get help in the forum. 

The key is to keep moving forward even on days where you have a million questions.  Internet marketing is an odd beast.  You learn by doing.

Last Note -- For those of you following my blog regularly, your support is greatly appreciated!  Without you, I would not be here. 

I am open to visiting with any buddies who get stuck on any IM topic. 

Toasting Your Success Using Proven IM Means!




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ana_nimoss Premium
I follow your blog regulary (a few in WA), and you provide wonderful help for someone with NO experience in IM. Thanks much.