Posts by Eileiah 14
February 28, 2011
For me the thing that stops me cold in this training is when I come upon a phrase or word that makes me think "What the heck is that"?  Now when I'm reading something, trying to learn it, and I hit on such a word or phrase, I logically think "well I need to know what this means or refers to".  Most of the time that thought is correct because if I just keep going and ignore it (hoping the meaning will get revealed) often times I end up totally lost and
February 27, 2011
There is SO much content on this site it is so easy to get lost in it.  I finally had to make a little card - which I plan on changing as I progress - listing where I am in the WA Action Plan.  I found I was getting so sidetracked with so many links to so many tutorials!  Not to mention the forums and blogs and buddies....  A person could spend HOURS just reading and snooping, lol. So - I'm working my way through Lesson 2, and the last link "Make Money w/W
1 comment
February 27, 2011
Nope the link didn't work in a document or an e-mail.  Mind you, I am so technologically illiterate that maybe there is some way to get it to work - anyone know? So the next question is - why the link?  the only place you can click on it is in the blog site - and if you're already in the blog site, why do you need a link to the blog site? Ah the meanderings of a technilogically ignorant mind.  I'm thinking that's what I'll dedicate this blog to - my unendi
February 27, 2011
So this is a test - I just noticed (on other people's blog) that there is a link at the top of their blog page which, I'm pretty sure, will take people to their blog when clicked on.  So I'm doing something on my blog page to see if I get a link. The question is - if you were to do, let's say, an article and put that link in there, and people clicked on it - would it take them to this site, and would they then have access to the site even though they weren't a member (by clicking on home, e