Posts by Ijs182 12
December 28, 2011
Well the past four months have really flown by.  My wife gave birth to our second daughter, Harriott, in August and I really haven't looked at WA since if I'm honest.   As many of you out there will know having a baby really takes a hold of your life like nothing else!  And after 3 weeks off when she was born I have been working full time ever since.  If you've read my bio you'll know that involves 2 hours plus of driving too.  So, long nights, long hours at work and a l
So this past week or so I have been working on a 3rd website.    However this isn't so much Internet Marketing in the traditional sense as my first two sites.   I came up with an idea for a business a couple of years ago which, thanks to my knowledge I have gained on WA, I have been able to build a website and market my business idea for free.   I launched the site on July 24th and today, 9 days, 6 articles and some effort creating back links lat
July 26, 2011
 It's been a couple of weeks since I have blogged so thought I would write a quick one! The last couple of weeks have been a bit of a nightmare and I've barely had the time to even go online let alone write articles and improve my ranking etc. However today I have managed to write three articles to Street Articles so hopefully they will be going live in the next few hours. After I finish this blog I will be writing at least two more article and submitting them
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I have spent the last couple of weeks writing seven articles and submitting all but one of them to Street Articles.     However none of them are listing anywhere near the top of the google ranks except the one that isn't on street articles.   In fact I haven't come across any of my articles on Street Articles even searching beyond page 20 on google.    On the other hand I have submitted ONE article to Ezine Articles and it is listing 8th in a quoted s
July 08, 2011
I think I have figured out why my wife loves making lists so often.   Because it appears, a strange thing happens when you have a list.  You stay FOCUSSED!!   It's a revelation to me! If you're anything like me you'll find having the entire internet sat before you a massive distraction when you could be doing better things like, errrrrr, writing articles for your Internet Marketing campaigns? I wouldn't worry about it too much, so long as you're aware of what you should
I can't believe what I have discovered this morning!   I'm sure I'm not the first person to have done this, or something very similar and I'm kicking myself a bit now! It's to do with my first niche.  You know, the one I have been working on for  two weeks now?!  The niche that is performing relatively well in the Google rankings and the niche I believed I had heading firmly in the right direction? I have spent ages doing keyword research on this niche and even
July 04, 2011
Hey all, Been a few, frustrating, day since I last blogged. For one reason or another my aim to get a few articles and blogs written failed to materialise. It's true that as a member of WA you can spend hours and hours reading and reading until your eyes are hurting.  However that's not always a bad thing as I have ended up researching a second, seemingly "better" niche.  Though I haven't given up on my first niche by a long shot.  That site is now ranking 5th on google'
June 30, 2011
Less than 36 hours after I set my website up properly (by fixing the plugins properly) I am pleased to say that when my niche words are searched in Google in quotes, my site appears as the 7th result!  That is from 1,900 potential sites. Now I know that most people don't search in quotes too much and I need to be higher than 7th but I think, for a site that is essentially a Home page with a 1%-2% Keyword Density article on it, a blog page with just two blogs so far and a privacy p
June 28, 2011
 Just wanted to post a super quick blog to let you all know I've made some really great progress on my website tonight. I genuinely have that feeling of butterflies in my stomach right now.  The site looks like a "proper" website and the content I have written so far is targeted to my keyword niche and I hope, entertaining to read! Tomorrow, after I ahve finished work, I plan on writing a few more blog posts, maybe two or three if I can manage it before bed.  
June 27, 2011
 Just a quick blog today.  And that's kind of the reason for the title as well. I'm currently one day into working seven days on the spin.  So one down six to go!!  And this is the reason why I want to be a successful Internet Marketer Not only am I working eight hours, I am travelling for almost 2 and a half hours as well.  This makes the days very long and tiring. I'm not afraid of hard work, but I really would rather be focussing so many hours into