Making Progress

Last Update: June 28, 2011

 Just wanted to post a super quick blog to let you all know I've made some really great progress on my website tonight.

I genuinely have that feeling of butterflies in my stomach right now.  The site looks like a "proper" website and the content I have written so far is targeted to my keyword niche and I hope, entertaining to read!

Tomorrow, after I ahve finished work, I plan on writing a few more blog posts, maybe two or three if I can manage it before bed.  

And then by the weekend I want to have submitted a really well written and thought out article to the Article Directories.

I'm also super excited about my chosen affiliate programs.  I actually have two really good ones to pick from but the nature of my niche allows me to work with more than one.  Though to begin with I will be focussing my efforts on just one of them.  

This will keep me focussed I think and as a newbie I don't want to confuse myself too much.

I also posted a couple of cheeky links on my personal twitter site last night and got over 50 clicks to one of my affiliate sites in less than an hour.  Sadly no sales!  But I'm hoping if I slip it in again in the next few days one or two of my friends will succumb to the products I want them to buy!!

Anyway, bed time for me now.  It's 10:45pm here in England and I'm up at 7am for another 11 hour day at work!

I just wish I had 11 hours tomorrow to focus on WA!

Goodnight all



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