A Very Productive Day

Last Update: July 04, 2011

Hey all,

Been a few, frustrating, day since I last blogged. For one reason or another my aim to get a few articles and blogs written failed to materialise.

It's true that as a member of WA you can spend hours and hours reading and reading until your eyes are hurting.  However that's not always a bad thing as I have ended up researching a second, seemingly "better" niche.  Though I haven't given up on my first niche by a long shot.  That site is now ranking 5th on google's quoted results and top of the 3rd page on unquoted results from over 20 million sites!  So it's shooting up the rankings and with a bit more work I'm convinced I can get it on that all important first page!

However it's fair to say my second niche is something that I can write about much more easily and passionately.  

So although I haven't made as much progress as I'd wished in the last few days, which I have valid reasons for, I feel like I've pulled it out of the bag today and have achieved some very notable things:

  • My second niche has been picked and I swear the ideas are just rolling in on this one.  In fact I was so stoked about it that I actually purchased my second domain and have the site up and running, with bio, home page, blog etc
  • I submitted my first article to one of the Article Directories on my second niche. This makes me very excited!
  • I now have a list of 6 further niches (relating to my overall niche) each with under 10,000 quoted results in google & very small or non existent competition in terms of ads on google.
The best thing is, I have two more days off work for me to repeat my effort I have been able to put in today.  And I have a list of article ideas that I need to write for both my first and second niches.  
So the plan tomorrow, is wake up, drop the wife and daughter off at school, come home and write, write, write for both sites.
Comments always welcome,
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slayton1s Premium
Good job. It seems like you've come a long way just in your 1st month. Keep up the good work. One thing I want to tell you is that Labman is right, duplicate contented pages can have negative side affects. Read my forum over "Duplicate Content" https://my.wealthyaffiliate.com/wa_forum/viewtopic.php?f=33&t=89732
ijs182 Premium
Hey Labman, thanks for the head's up! Though I'm a little confused, has this changed since June 25th when she posted it on the forum? I know Google has had a big algorithm change recently.
Labman_1 Premium
Watch out. Google has change the rules on duplicate content since PPG posted that. Duplicate content is now seriously frowned upon. Just a head's up. Keep up the good work.
ijs182 Premium
So far I have only submitted it to one site. I was reading up on this the other day and there are various viewpoints on whether submitting the same article to many different sites helps or hinders you. PotPieGirl posted something interesting which basically said after doing lots of research she didn't find any problem submitting the same article to many different sites. Her conclusion was that as long as the sites are all hosted in different places Google doesn't mind. It is something I'll probably experiment with at some point. But for now I'm writing individual articles. I need the practice!
Abz89 Premium
Hey, sound like your doing well. Can I ask if you write a seperate article for each site or just one article submitted to multiple sites ? keep up the good work. Abz