The Wonder Of A List

Last Update: July 08, 2011

I think I have figured out why my wife loves making lists so often.  

Because it appears, a strange thing happens when you have a list.  You stay FOCUSSED!!  

It's a revelation to me!

If you're anything like me you'll find having the entire internet sat before you a massive distraction when you could be doing better things like, errrrrr, writing articles for your Internet Marketing campaigns?

I wouldn't worry about it too much, so long as you're aware of what you should be doing and put in a plan to stop the rot.

 I have worked really hard this week at remaining focussed on WA and spending a lot of time following "to do" lists I have made.  And it really works.  At least for me it does.

Maybe this isn't the biggest revelation ever, I accept that!  But just a simple list with perhaps 2 or 3 items you really want to get done in a day on, can help the focus levels remain good even when twitter or facebook are trying to suck you in!

I've managed to successfully mix work and WA this week and in the last 3 days I have submitted 6 articles to various sites, created several social bookmark accounts and put my links out there.  I even wrote a couple of blogs to keep my site ticking over with fresh content.

Hopefully I can keep this level of writing up and I believe lists are the way to help me do that! 

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So that is the secret? Make lists of what you need to do and it will happen? If only! What it does do is concentrate you on where you need to be or need to go. Great post now to get back to my list(s).
onefineham Premium
If you think having a list is great... wait 'til you start making an EMAIL list to market to. CHA-CHING!!!!!
angib88 Premium
I'm a compulsive list-maker. As long as I have my list handy and I'm looking at it often, I'm on track. Disaster tends to strike when I wasn't paying attention to "my list"
jatdebeaune Premium
Lists rock!