Back Into It

Last Update: December 28, 2011

Well the past four months have really flown by.  My wife gave birth to our second daughter, Harriott, in August and I really haven't looked at WA since if I'm honest.  

As many of you out there will know having a baby really takes a hold of your life like nothing else!  And after 3 weeks off when she was born I have been working full time ever since.  If you've read my bio you'll know that involves 2 hours plus of driving too.

 So, long nights, long hours at work and a long commute have meant I have focussed my energy into spending time with my family, including my other daughter who I didn't want to feel was missing out on anything.

 Now Christmas is out of the way though I decided to start my New Years Resolution early (hey why not get a head start on it if you can!)

I have most of this week and next week off work and so my efforts with WA will be doubled.

I believe in this system and was actually beginning to see progress, in terms of hits on my sites (not sales), before Harriott arrived!

I hope you have all had an excellent Christmas and I wish you all Health, Wealth and Happiness in 2012.

Comments welcome! 


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