Does Street Articles Deliver?

Last Update: July 19, 2011
I have spent the last couple of weeks writing seven articles and submitting all but one of them to Street Articles.  
However none of them are listing anywhere near the top of the google ranks except the one that isn't on street articles.
In fact I haven't come across any of my articles on Street Articles even searching beyond page 20 on google. 
On the other hand I have submitted ONE article to Ezine Articles and it is listing 8th in a quoted search, two places below my website for that particlular niche.
Should I be submitting most of my articles to Ezine Articles and ignoring Street Articles to a certain extent? 
I know that having links from different websites is a good thing so I'm not ruling out using Street Articles full stop.  But maybe my priorities have to change.
There seems to be a lot of 'guidance' from WA to submit to Street Articles but part of me can't help thinking that they just have a vested interest in members doing that. 
From what I see there is no evidence that Street Articles is doing me too many favours right now.
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