You know when something is going really well, and then....

Last Update: July 06, 2011

I can't believe what I have discovered this morning!  

I'm sure I'm not the first person to have done this, or something very similar and I'm kicking myself a bit now!

It's to do with my first niche.  You know, the one I have been working on for  two weeks now?!  The niche that is performing relatively well in the Google rankings and the niche I believed I had heading firmly in the right direction?

I have spent ages doing keyword research on this niche and eventually landed on a phrase that had the following results:

  • 21.3m unquoted results
  • 1700 quoted results

As mentioned in previous blogs, this page is ranking 5th on quoted results and top of page 3 on unquoted results.

Now here is the part where I cannot believe I didn't check, cross my mind or come up with until today.  

Simply by changing my last word in my keyword phrase from USA to America gave me the following results in Google

  • 21.5m unquoted results
  • 2500 quoted results

So pretty similar I'm sure you'll agree? 

But here is where it get really interesting, check out searches per month on Google's Keyword Tool

  • "USA"   - 5400 monthly searches
  • "America" - 27, 100 monthly searches

And the ultimate bonus is that there are the same amount of ads on either search, so it's not like I'm competing against loads of sponsored ads all over the first page when I search 'America'!

Thankfully changing my website is quite simple as it's just case of substituting the words for one another and altering the SEO Plugin accordingly - a five minute task.

I'm just pleased I had the brainwave to try improving my keyword.  It goes to show on a new day you have new thoughts and they are always worth investigating.  Although admittedly this was pretty much slapping me in the face though, I can't believe I missed it for the first two weeks!  

Has anyone else had a similar thing happen to them?!

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