First Blog

Last Update: June 24, 2011

A Warm Welcome

I think it's pretty important to keep motivated in a business such as Internet Marketing.  Whenever you are your own boss it's absolutely vital that you don't get lazy.  Laziness gets you precicely nowhere.  I know because I have done that in the past!

One of the things that persuaded me to join Wealthy Affiliate is their clear approach that this isn't an online 'Get Rich Quick' miracle program. Such things simply don't exist.  I admire honesty. 

Now after just a few days here I have already made steady progress in my first niche site.  There is still a way to go until I make my first few pounds but I can see a clear path as to how I will achieve this first goal.

The old saying "Even the longest journey starts with a single step" applies in this business.  Yes, eventually, I want to earn thousands of pounds a month, but you have to be realistic and aim smaller to start with.

My first sale will lead to my first £100 week which will lead to my first £100 day and so it goes on.

Hopefully I'm within just a few days of making my first sale and when that happens I'm going to be so pleased as I think that that will be the moment any doubt I have remaining over this business is removed completely.

Once I see that I made money from a website I created and put hours of work into, I will know that I can then go as far as I want to with this. 

One other thing of note in this first blog is that I have been genuinely thrilled and surprised that the community of folk on this site and in the forum have all been very friendly and willing to offer advice to others they don't even know.

What better resource than the generosity of people can there be to remain motivated and focussed?


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