Time Management

Last Update: June 25, 2011

  I'm sure I'm not the only person who has this issue.  And I know I won't be the last.   What am I talking about?

Working a 'normal' job whilst starting up with WA!  Or put another way: 

Having other commitments that you need to offer some time and attention to in your life.

After just a few days here at WA it's become obvious that the demands of my normal job really do limit the amount of effort I can put in.  There are several reasons for this.

  1. I commute over 2 hours  a day which means I'm very tired when I get home
  2. When I do get home I want to spend time with my wife and daughter
  3. It's not realistic to stay up late every night
So what is the solution?

Well to be honest, I don't know the entire answer yet!  But I think being smart with time is somewhere along the right lines!

What I do know is that I have still managed to do something each day so far.  Even if it's not as much as I would like.  The fact is many of us have family and other stuff going on in our lives.  We can't only look at WA the whole time.  

But if you're like me you will go on the internet every night as a matter of routine anyway.  So, what I have been doing, instead of idly spending ages on Twitter and Facebook achieving nothing, is just doing ten or fifteen minutes writing for my website instead.  Building my content slowly but surely.  Every little helps, so to speak and a bit of focus with your time can be really beneficial.  

And also as a huge fan of Twitter, it is something I plan on using as a marketing tool as I go along.   I have already created a Twitter page that I am growing organically with people I think may be interested in my niche and I visit that every day to add a few people and try to build up a rapport with people.

*** A top Twitter Tip from me is that, just like WA, you need to make steady progress when you create a new account.  Don't follow a thousand people in one go, just because you can.  Find a handful of people who you know have an interest in your product and chat to them naturally.  Build up that relationship naturally and don't force stuff on them too early.***

And when I am online now as part of my "routine" (where you visit the same core sites every time you log on) WA has been added to my list of much visit sites.  So I read the forum, I check my emails from Kyle & Carson and I come on WA Space and interact with others as best I can.

So the message, I guess, is that it's small steps that will ultimately lead to a long and successful journey.

I'll keep you updated on my time management as I go along through this process.

Comments welcome!


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