Posts by JaredB 15
This is the one business/ industry where repetition of failure leads to success every time.  I don't mean failing with the same strategy every time.  I mean trying something, finding out it does not work, leaving it in place anyways, and trying something else!  In most other businesses, many small successes lead to finding the big picture.  In the world of internet marketing, little fails lead to one sale.  That is the point where you say to yourself: "So that's ho
I know I have read the following philosophy many times, but recently it has really sunk in and I feel like putting it in my own words for me and the other newbies out there. This is basically a train of thought for a brand new IMer to boost their knowledge at an exponential rate. Promote Wealthy Affiliate (WA)! As you look for ways to promote WA, you will be researching the things that are offered here, the tools, and the community.  You will need an angle to advertise from.  Unwitting
February 25, 2010
Nearly two months in for me.  The study, action, failing, repeat strategy is really paying off, haha.  My campaigns are gaining some coherence and focus.  Most important my articles, Blogger landing pages, and US FreeAds are seeming to be relevant to each other.  At last! Thanks to the Bum Marketing guys posting on here for bringing it all together.  That makes me a bum disciple I guess. My thinking in the past has been too scattered with different projects: Squidoo, W
February 10, 2010
Well, I have been at this for about a month and am still having a great time learning.  I have made a couple of sales on Squidoo, but nothing too impressive.  I think my problem in the first 3 weeks was that I aimed for quantity in backlinks instead of quality content in my articles.  I would take an hour or two writing an article or making a Squidoo lens, then almost the whole day social bookmarking and submitting to 15 different article sites.  My problem was that I was tur
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January 10, 2010
Hey everybody, I guess this can be considered my "after my first week at WA" Blog.  I don't know if that is a tradition or not.  I got to say that I learned more about internet sales, blogging, HTML code, and building a website in my first 6 days than I have learned in my entire life!  I am having a great time knowing that my success is based on the time I am putting into this.   A huge thanks to Potpiegirl for the excellent tutorials that allowed me to get my firs
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