Posts by Kadcpp 25
March 20, 2010
Today was very rewarding for me as I; Created five unique articles Learned to create hyperlinks to a page Created a simple page on Squidoo Linked articles to my web page Submitted articles  I have been at this computer for over 12 hours today and was determined to learn to accomplish these tasks so that they would start getting easier from learning how to do it. The hardest part was creating hyperlinks as there were no tutorials that I could follow and had to do the research myself, howev
March 19, 2010
Lesson three unlocked today! I have been waiting days for this lesson to unlock the anticipated secrets within. Because I am currently unemployed and have nothing but time on my hands I have endeavored to learn as much as possible taking the cue from WA, I have spent 8-10 hours a day on this site and doing as much research as I can as well. The first two lessons were like gold in my pocket and and my anticipation was high. That being said I was disappointed  with this module as it was short
March 18, 2010
I spent a lot of time today continuing research and reviewing what I have learned. I also found a simple product to begin working on a campaign, conducted a keyword search for this product and began looking at articles of a similar nature for ideas. (Whew!). At least it is a start. Later I will start looking at starting to make a lens and begin writing articles. I do not yet understand how it all comes together however I am following the lead of others here and preparing.  On an extremely l
March 17, 2010
Five hours of training modules and reviewing/researching it is time to take a break. It is hard because I want to learn as fast as possible and I am leaning so MUCH ( As I am technically oriented). I know that it takes time for the brain to process this info so I am taking a break for now. Whew what a site this is with so much information
March 16, 2010
On my first day I managed to get the site and spaces set up. I also completed all the tasks in the action plan as well as going through a few of the tutorials in the training center. My head now hurts and I need process time for it to filter in my brain.