Posts by Kadcpp 25
I have been working on my first website, for a keyword niche,  adding lots of content. I still need to add lots of graphics and more content. I have articles written but have not published them yet as I wanted to work on it some more first.  I had planed  on getting it closer to finished before adding any back links or publishing articles and then ping it. None of which have been done.  My website has somehow been indexed by Google anyway (Google "pajama money") wit
I have been working hard on my website as you know and I have enough content now to feel comfortable in sharing it. It is still raw and I will be adding more graphics, links and tweaking. I have not been able to figure out how to add a guest book or comments section but I plan to if allowed.  Please take a look and let me know what you think about content and scope. Or any other ideas and suggestions. The site is not indexed yet and I have articles ready but not submitted for this campaign
I have been working on website and lens but decided to Google my articles to see how things are going and I am shocked! Five articles submitted for cats, First article on first page of all searches weather I use keywords or title or not? Second comes up first spot on first page but on a puppy blog and the article is about cats! At least my bio and links are intact. Third article first page seventh spot! Fourth article not seen yet (maybe I should have tried quotes)! Fifth article awaiting Ezine
March 30, 2010
I have been working mostly on my website six pages almost complete. and a little on my Cat Behavior Problems lens current rank #292 please check it out and vote/comment  or let me know what you think here! I think not to bad for an old dude in two weeks time!    
March 28, 2010
I left the lens alone today to work on my website and found the information I needed on the new tutorial by Josh to help me exactly when needed. Lots of work but not ready yet. I will share when it gets closer.
1 comment
March 26, 2010
I have been working on my lens and have added content and back links to my articles. My lens rank went from 800 to 712 overnight before I worked on it today. I wrote another article and had it published and my other articles are starting to get traffic (Woo Hoo). No sales yet but this (My first) lens should be a long term provider. I have provided the hyperlink so that others could take a look and maybe get ideas as I think it is close to being ready.Not bad for less than two weeks I think.
March 25, 2010
I am trying all the techniques I have learned here and am trying to apply them, however I have found that I have not digested all of the information. I have learned and found myself going back to tutorials I thought I had down only to find I have forgotten an important step.  I am having success such as a main lens rank to 800 out of 22,000 but I find that by missing key nuggets of training I have made mistakes in my BUMMarketing campaign. Good  news is I am finding out how to correct
March 24, 2010
 I now have a website (still under construction but it works) and have created a blog, written more articles (One on front page #4), more work to lens and have been linking everything I possibly can. This is a time consuming process but I am learning sooooo much.
March 22, 2010
Another 12+ Hours at this PC today enough already! Seriously I am enjoying learning so much  and getting tasks accomplished but have to say goodnight now so I can start fresh tomorrow.
March 22, 2010
Here is what I have been up to the last two days; Adding content to lens  Picked a name for a website and bought the domain Set up the hosting of website here (Since it's free) Picked a template and started adding content to draft in Site Rubix And of coarse more tutorials  I am determined to make this all pay off! Oh and my articles are getting published too. This takes a lot of time to get a campaign going and I cannot wait for it to start paying off!