Day 5 (Wow)

Last Update: March 21, 2010

Today was very rewarding for me as I;

  • Created five unique articles
  • Learned to create hyperlinks to a page
  • Created a simple page on Squidoo
  • Linked articles to my web page
  • Submitted articles

 I have been at this computer for over 12 hours today and was determined to learn to accomplish these tasks so that they would start getting easier from learning how to do it. The hardest part was creating hyperlinks as there were no tutorials that I could follow and had to do the research myself, however I am very pleased with my progress.

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kadcpp Premium
Thanks All!
WarMac Premium
Feels good to accomplish something, doesn't it? You've exceeded what I did my first week here. Keep it going, good work!
Peedsbornagain Premium
Best of luck
Peedsbornagain Premium
All i can say is WOW .. awesome going dude... slow down man .. give us a chance to catch up great goin cheers :)))))))))))))))))
jatdebeaune Premium
Great! Congratulations! You did a lot!