Posts by Labman_1 199
November 30, 2010
Grrr. I got logged out 1/2 way through this post last time. I've been working on a new product that I saw on TV. Yup, I watch the idiot box.  But since I have been here at WA I watch with a different perspective. So this new show highlights leading edge technology stuff. With my engineering background I find most of this stuff utterly fascinating. One of the products falls into the Evergreen niches. (Health) I did a quick search for the product.  No luck. Chased the show angle and foun
November 27, 2010
I've been messing around with my blog Check out the Daily Bark in my website references and tell me what you think of the changes.  
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November 25, 2010
Life got in the way of IM for a couple of days this week.  Here's what I have been doing. The woods of Upstate NY are lovely this time of year. Search resumes on Friday. Happy Thanksgiving. Be safe out there. Update: New developments    
November 22, 2010
Well, not really but we always make Pot Pies with the leftover Turkey, so I'll probably have some next week. Actually, I spent the day going over PotPieGirls information yet again. I have been struggling with trying to get more information online.  I thought perhaps I would double back and learn(re-learn) some of the early lessons that I found on here. I thought perhaps I might have missed something.  Turns out the 12th time is the charm.  For you new folks, If you have not found
November 20, 2010
I have a few places that I like to watch for obscure postings. is one of them. I have been hearing rumors about a Blue Moon this month but couldn't figure out why when there was only one full moon this month, there would be a Blue Moon. Well, I just happened on this article.  This explains it all. So if your efforts occur once in a Blue Moon.  You better get busy.   
November 18, 2010
I was procrastinating today.  I had about 4 things going at once and got myself overwhelmed.  I know, I know, one thing at a time. Well, since I have been neglecting the housework, I got out the vacuum and started sucking up all the hair that 5 dogs generate over the course of a week. ( and they aren't even shedding that much).  Finished the main room and moved into the bedroom, Found a huge dust bunny under the bed, and a book. Hmmm, what's this thing.  Turns out it was a bo
November 16, 2010
I finally got a site that feels like it is complete enough to get some traffic. It looks really amateurish to me but I'm sure it will get better as I tweek it. The important thing is that I'm online and everything appears to be monetized and operational.  What did I learn? Well, I learned how to create a custom Header, I learned how to put a graphic up, I learned how to find products to promote, how to get the links on a page, how to optimize a site for SEO, how to install and activate plug
November 13, 2010
I spent the last 2 days getting familiar with Gimp. For those that are not familiar with this program it is similar to Photo shop but is open source and Free. If you have some experience with CAD packages this has some similarities.  If you are familiar with Photo shop then I expect the learning curve is quite small. Just another tool to add to my tool-belt.
November 12, 2010
Well, it looks like I have fallen prey to the article theft issue too. Get this, it was an article on integrity in online communications. The offender appears to be urudunet.  Think perhaps it is an african location? So, I have the entire article word for word without my resource box showing up on this network that appears to spend its time posting Ezine articles and translating them into many different languages.  Contact me link on their site doesn't connect to anything relevant. Her
November 11, 2010
I found myself out and about today.  I needed to drop my mom at a hair appointment. So while I was waiting I drove up to see the Lake.  I peeked at the lake through a bunch of houses, dreamed about one in particular right on the beach that was for sale ( not enough room for the dogs to run) and found myself at Ontario Beach Park.  Well, I hadn't been to this park since I was a lifeguard for the county back when my beer gut was quite a bit smaller and it was actually from beer.&nbs
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