Posts by Labman_1 199
October 20, 2010
So, here I am 24 hours later still in a conundrum with my Blog and Funnel. Apparently I did the set-up in the wrong order.  From the Forum posts it seems that this is a common issue. Anyway, the name of the Aweber list that I entered before I actually set up the list and found that I couldn't use that name is embedded in the forms.  So I need help getting to the correct location in the HTML code to change the list name. I have found one instance of the name in the Form code but am wond
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October 19, 2010
Checked Ezine this morning. Article denied.  Seems something I did last week broke the link to my articles.  Soooo.  Put on the thinking cap.  Since the forwarding was broken I guess I gotta take the plunge and set up a Blog and Funnel. So off I went.  I've been putting this off because I thought a forwarding would work for a bit but now that option was obsolete. OK.  First step... hosting account is set up Second step...e-mail account set up  3rd: Sign up to
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October 17, 2010
Took the day off from IM today and went visiting with one of my TDI dogs. We visited a room of seniors that don't get out much.  In fact if they do get out all He** breaks loose.  We had a German Shepherd, a  Corgi, a toy poodle and 2 Labs one Yellow (mine) and one Black.  Everyone loved them. Our second visit was to the brain unit in this care facility.  Mostly seniors with the Big A.  One woman chattered at us the whole time in German.  My understanding was t
October 15, 2010
I don't recall where I picked this up.  I'm sure it was a parental tape as Dad was a Psychologist.  There are 4 levels of learning: 1. Unconscious Incompetence- You don't know that you don't know something 2. Conscious Incompetence- You know that you don't know something. 3. Conscious Competence- You know something and know that you know it. 4.Unconscious Competence- You know something so well that it now is second nature.  Most of us here ( well some of us) have passed step 1 a
October 11, 2010
I've been trying to get a website up. I didn't think  it  would be this difficult but I seem to be stuck in a rut. So I checked out a few programs to help me on my way.  Every day is a new challenge until I get through the first set of tasks.  Found GIMP-  A Free Program to edit images. Kind of a steep learning curve but nothing is free, even a free program has its costs.  This one costs time. Saw some nice stuff from Welshy on Animoto.  I'm gonna look at that
October 08, 2010
I feel like Charlie Brown.  Banging my head against the wall. I've been trying to get a landing page worked out.  Grabbed a copy of  KompoZer to solve a problem that I have with my test site. The Test site doesn't have anything special just a place to play.  Got a blog set up and have been adding stuff to it here and there.  I hosted with Blue Host and there is this bogus home page that I have been trying to figure out how to change into something that I have made. 
October 04, 2010
I did my research and found some keywords.  Did some research into the competition and what did I find? I found a product that is available that is better than the one for sale.  And guess what, its available at no charge to the general public.  No subscription, no fee of any kind. So, I put on my thinking cap and decided that I WOULD NOT promote this product.  I hope that others out there will make the same decision that I have. I can live my life with integrity or become a
October 01, 2010
It took 7 days but Ezine liked my first article. Didn't really expect any different but now I'm live. Kewl.
September 30, 2010
In College I was tasked to create a Sonnet.  A Sonnet is a specifically ordered poem with a detailed meter, rhyme and must have a twist at the end.  Hope you enjoy this. Please don't repost. Unleashed Above the world the hawk becomes the wind Unleashed and free, to be as he, ablaze drifting, flying bereft of all, unpinned a dancer floating high above the craze His wings unfurled his wondrous flight replays the drama of my plight, restrained to live my landbound life not half as brig
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September 25, 2010
SINGLE BLACK FEMALE seeks male companionship, ethnicity unimportant.  I'm a very good girl who LOVES to play.  I love long walks in the woods, riding in your pickup truck, hunting,  camping and fishing trips,  cozy winter nights lying by the fire.  Candlelight dinners will have me eating out of your hand.  I'll be at the front door when you get home from work, wearing only  what nature gave me...   Call (404) 875-6420 and ask for Annie, I'll be w