Posts by Labman_1 199
February 04, 2011
I was doing research again.  Who could have guessed that I'm now doing research and not surfing.  Looks the same to my wife but I really am working. Came across this link that looks at Google Page rank and how it works. It's kind of a pain to get the ultimate benefit from this. With all the changes it may not be current ( originally created in 2002).  It does give you a feel for what you can do to increase your page rank.  Looks pretty much like statistics. Google Page Rank w
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January 31, 2011
I was doing some surfing ( I think its called Research now) and came across a book by Stephen King.  Now, I'm more of a magic and elves kind of guy but I have read most of his books.  Or so I thought.  The one I found is probably scarier (sp?) ( More scarey) than any I've read. Hard to believe it was only $1.98.  The shipping cost more than the book.  OK, I know you are on the edge of your seat wondering which one of Stephen King's books I missed. It's called " On W
January 26, 2011
I just wanted to throw out a Thank You to all of you.  Checking my spaces I noticed that I have reached a milestone of 1000 buddies. Hope you are all enjoying this place as much as I am. Keep those comments coming, we all benefit from the Spaces and everyone's comments and opinions.   Thanks Again.   Craig H.
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January 23, 2011
What an amazing experience we are having in the Article Marketing Club. I haven't seen a whole lot of new stuff that I haven't seen before but...... (I have seen this stuff before) Each task has a purpose and each purpose is associated with an action.  If you do the work specified things seem to fall together. I sat down to write an article yesterday, organized my thoughts a bit before starting and started writing.  Had to rein in my verbosity at the end and finish my point to stay un
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January 18, 2011
After a morning writing articles I finally got started on the Day 1 Tasks for our new Club.  So far I have reviewed stuff that I mostly knew from before.  Refreshing my memory was a really good thing.   I know I've seen this stuff before, I just haven't been to this particular tutorial before.  Hmmmm, you mean there's stuff on here I haven't seen yet.  Well, I think from what I've seen so far there's a wealth of information that I will be able to learn/re-learn.  I'
January 15, 2011
We are getting a bit of the white stuff tonight. 18 inches so far. Ya, gotta love Lake Effect. Tested Elphie on her 30 acre search in the middle of a blizzard.  She didn't pass this time either.  This time it was handler error.  She almost had the subject even though.  Wind was swirly so she lost the scent as fast as she found it.  Never got a good whiff to bring her in. Started off with a huge bubble in my compass( don't get to use the GPS for this test) so my direction
January 11, 2011
Well, I thought I had a site. I know its here somewhere. But, none of the software seems to know where it is. It's almost like it was never indexed. I'm hoping for a return in better position but for now it might as well not exist. This is puzzling to me as I have been nurturing this site to try for rankings and all of the sudden, poof. My first backlink to it from Ezine was even published today. BTW, I stopped looking when I got to page 17.  So it might exists somewhere deep in the bowels
January 08, 2011
Went out to the mailbox today.  I know 1/2 of what you get you don't need and the other 1/2 you don't want. Anyhoo, Found an interesting box.  Had this Pen thingy and said Ezine @rticles on it. They sent me a mug! Isn't that special.
January 06, 2011
I've been playing around with getting my site ranked. The top 20 sites all have 5 to 10 years and PR of between 2 and 4 so they might be a bit difficult to beat but TT says it is easy so I'll see what happens. Since it has been stuck at #20 for a couple of days I wondered what simple things I might try to get it pushed up a bit while I'm waiting for my articles to be approved. Already pinged the main page, even pinged a couple of the other pages.  All of these seem to be indexed.  So,
January 04, 2011
Taking a break from working. Today's task:  The history of dog training in 2000 words or less. whew.  The hardest part is going to be limiting the verbiage. Research is fun but takes time.  Writing is fun but takes time. If I had more money I could outsource this stuff but until I do the initial work I'm stuck with a glut of tasks and a finite day. Ranked # 20 in 48 hours.  Stuck on page 2.  Adding content and posts as fast as I can but I still run out of day before I r