Posts by Labman_1 199
February 24, 2011
WA Hosting & FTP WAbinar Make sure you  stop and sign up A great way to spend an hour of your Friday.  Jay's WAbinars are informative and well done. If you need to learn about the WA Hosting and/or are trying to get a handle on FTP this is a must see!
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February 24, 2011
Jimmy Stewart reads a Poem for Johnny Carson A wonderful tribute to his dog A Poem named Beau 
February 24, 2011
I finished up the WA marketing club last week. When I started here I never expected to be able to write this many articles in one day.  So far I'm just scratching the surface and know that there are more to come.  My best day so far is 4 articles, a new page and a post.  Boy was I whipped at the end of that day. I've been checking to see how my articles are performing and I'm getting a few click throughs.  Still no sales but the traffic is picking up.   My best article i
February 21, 2011
Went for a team training yesterday. We sat through a lecture and demonstration of the capabilities of  Mercy Flight Central  As a member of a Search and Rescue Team we may find ourselves in need of a landing zone for the evacuation of a lost hiker etc. We got to learn the needs of the pilot when interacting in emergency situations and evacuations.  We learned how they would like the patients packaged for transport.  We even looked at the capabilities of each of their aircraft
Well, someone started me off on a TED kick tonight.It's been a while since I stopped in at so I went for a browse. Found this one. " title="">Where good ideas come fromEnjoy.
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February 16, 2011
For those of you that didn't get the chance to attend Last night Jay(Magistudios) did a WAbinar on basic HTML. He did keep it simple and even so, had a few  laughs. If you haven't experienced Jay's presentations and get the chance in the future I highly recommend that you do. Previous Topics can be accessed HEREor you can click on the menu item WAbinars at the top of the page.
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February 15, 2011
While researching again I came across this pearl from Google. They have a keyword toolkit that has a few tools in it that most of us use, and if not then you should have a look.  At the bottom of the Google toolkit page is a PDF on Basic SEO. I've picked up most of the techniques found in this PDF here but it is nice to see it all in one place for quick reference.  For those of you that want a refresher or an introduction to SEO here's the link. Google SEO PDF    Craig
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February 14, 2011
Jeopardy is testing a concept.  Well not quite a concept. Jeopardy is testing a massively parallel algorithm. They have matched Ken Jennings and Brad (someone or the other) against an IBM algorithm.  After day 1  Ken is at 2000 Brad and the computer are at 5 K. The computer has problems parsing the meanings of words but is doing pretty well with  normal memory stuff. Boy if a computer can replace Ken the rest of us are in trouble.   Information on Watson   Day 2- W
February 08, 2011
Thought some of you might enjoy this.  I posted it last September but I know there are a few of you that weren't around way back then. Link: It's a Sonnet that I wrote in college called Unleashed.  I have it hanging by my desk to provide motivation.    It does it's job well. Let me know what you think.
February 08, 2011
Sunday we had a K9 training.  Well as some of you know I'm in the Great White North.  Just South of Lake Ontario.  We get what is called Lake Effect. Where all of the rest of you have been getting a good dose of Winter we have been accumulating a nice blanket of snow a bit at a time over and over and over.  Snow causes scent to fall out of the air and pool near the source.  This makes it difficult for the dogs that are using this scent to locate the source. Sunday was a