Posts by Labman_1 199
January 03, 2012
I spent the last week of the year taking stock of what I've done over the last year. I have one site that is making some inroads.  I have yet to get the first check from Amazon but I'm getting close.  Perhaps when the iPad 3 rears its ugly head I can get this to convert better.  It appears that this site is up against all of the big boys.  CNet etc.  so I'm pretty happy with its performance.  Checking Google Analytics provided a surprise or two.  I'm ranking be
December 12, 2011
Well, after a lot of work and tweeking it looks like my site is finally on page 1.  Let the fun begin. Update: Darn, back on page two again.  Guess I have more work to do.    
November 27, 2011
For those of you that like the dog world I thought I'd give you a bit of an update on what's been going on.  If you have followed my posts you know that I'm a dog trainer in my "spare time" and recently changed Search and Rescue Teams.  I'm so glad I made the decision to change.  My new Team has made me feel welcome, responded to my needs and provided the necessary support to make a tough decision. After a GPS qualification and a vote of confidence from the team I have b
November 07, 2011
Well, the kennel has gotten smaller again. I came home and was fixing dinner only to find that our Basset Hound had passed away.  One moment she was fine the next, not. A rough nite for the OH as she was particularly fond of this one.  So now I have more ammunition for a couple of articles on senior dogs and the holes that they leave in our lives.  Of course, it was pouring rain while I was digging her final resting place.  Just one more inconvenience. Ah well.  The prob
October 24, 2011
I've been seeing a lot of different information both on and offline that relate directly to the stuff we are all doing here. Today, while sitting in an auto repair shop, I picked up the current issue of Inc. There is a great article(leader) on enterpreneurship. (sp?) that focuses on the marketing aspects of running a small business. What was the take away from this article?  We have been hearing it from the more experienced among us over and over again. Market Research! The writer of this
1 comment
October 21, 2011
Well, after 3 weeks of 14 hour days and yet another visit to Vermont I'm finally home again. Needed to sleep for about 2 days to catch up on the deprivation I experienced trying to get these machines running and delivered to the customer.  I made a whole bunch of money for my employer.  They were nice enough to give me a 4 day weekend so if it ever stops raining I can actually get some prep work done for the white stuff that is due any day now. At least the rain keeps me inside and at
October 01, 2011
Sylvaine is involved in a contest of sorts. It's called the Blog contest.  Well in order for her to do her thing in the contest she has to make the cut. Voting is the way to survive and currently there is room for 10 survivors in a field of 13. As of this writing Sylvaine is in the lead.  Wouldn't it be nice to give her a landslide? Stop over to this link and Vote for our Sylvaine (EzineWriter)  Voting is over on October 3rd so get those votes in! Follow this link:   Vote Her
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September 27, 2011
I was perusing the Webmaster Tools website and came across this little pearl. Thought I'd share. If you are posting a new site or have a time sensitive update to your blog, this little procedure will get your site or page indexed (with Google) as fast as possible.   Fetch as Googlebot There is a limit of 50 submissions per month so use it sparingly.  Good Luck  
September 18, 2011
I've been working hard on my site IPad Cover Review.  Thanks to Jay's review and my efforts, I have it ranking 13 in the Google SERPS.  Now, when this site was briefly on page 1 it was converting nicely for me( at least it was getting click throughs) If anyone has a tweak or recommendation for how I might gain these last few ranking positions, I would love to give them a try and see if I can get this site up to the Front Page. Please offer any ideas no matter how small. Thanks in advan
September 03, 2011
Yup, it's here again.  Time to collect those Caterpillars and get out the tagging equipment.  So far this week has been a bit slow but I did have a good day today. Went to give blood and they didn't have me on the schedule(Grrrr.) Got on the schedule an hour later so I went out looking for critters to kill the hour.  Found 5 on the first trip. Plus a Chrysalis already formed. Went by the same patch of milkweed later and found 2 more. Found 6 on my way home from work yesterday.&nbs