Posts by Labman_1 199
Trying to keep up with the 30 in 30 is killing me.  I'm not prolific like some (although I'm getting better), and it appears I have a life.  Granted its dog training so it is a low stress lifestyle. Problem is..... someone decided that there are only 24 hours in a day. and 8 of them (well 6 anyway) need to be reserved for sleep. Good thing there's a long weekend coming up.   Craig H.
May 17, 2011
Well, I was sitting in the catbird seat for a while here at WA. SA was accepting my articles and I reached the rank of author 11 at one point. I thought that was a neat thing.  Then......30 in 30 blew me out of the water. My ranking jumped to 323.  Ah well.  Guess the crowd has arrived.  Congratulations on those that are getting their content up there.  No hard feelings.  If I had 24 hours to write and submit I'm sure I'd still be up there. My frustration stems from
I discovered another neat feature over at SA tonight. While I was over there dropping off my most recent submission for the 30 in 30, I noticed a new box at the bottom of the submission box.  You can now add a picture!!!  This is gonna make a big difference folks. Thanks for another new feature guys!  
May 08, 2011
Today is Mother's Day and I'm sure most of us appreciate our moms. I grew up in a deaf household, sort of.  My Grandmother lived with us and was totally deaf.  My mother learned sign language at an early age as both of her parents were deaf and all of the children were hearing.  My mom was a Professor of Social Work at the NTID college of social work. She retired in 2005. NTID is the National Technical Institute for the Deaf and is one of the colleges associated with Rochester In
May 07, 2011
Popped over to a local park for K9 work this AM. Elphie redeemed herself today.  We timed it right and just as she was starting to give up and have me show her the scent cone, she grabbed onto it and was off like a shot.  250 yards downwind of the subject.  Came back and pounced me good ( her indication) and took off back to the subject. Second time, she was panting a bit so we had the subject call out from about 500 yards away.  That got her working well and we didn't see he
May 06, 2011
With the new Success in 30 Days club some things have gone by the wayside. While Jay was doing his WAbinar ( since this is now material that I have seen before) I stopped in to my Action Plan again.  I have neglected this for some months now and figured I should finish it up.  Action Plan Complete.   Silly me, I did all the stuff on all the lists but just never completed the task list checkoffs.  So, one more piece of the puzzle down.  Still working on my bonus so I'l
May 06, 2011
I was listening in on a conversation that a couple of my co-workers were having today.  It seems that our bleeding edge technology was giving on of the engineers a bit of a problem.  He recounted a story from last year.  He was trying to implement a feature that was advertised by one of our equipment manufacturers but had never been successfully implemented.  After spending about 6 hours on the phone with customer support and getting about 7 of their engineers involved he was
May 03, 2011
I'm still sandbagged with Google.  Yup, I appear to be hanging out on Page 70.  But I keep making sales, and the traffic hasn't gone to Zero like I expect when languishing in the doldrums.  So, I said to myself, self, where is the traffic coming from.  It is nowhere near what I was seeing when on Page 1 but I'm getting a steady 10 hits a week.  So I was curious as to what is going on.  I sat down and decided to figure out where my traffic was coming from. SA is a bi
May 01, 2011
It's now May, and I'm 9 mos. into this IM thing. I seem to be a bit behind others but I have learned a huge amount in this time. I have a few partially developed Niches and am working toward rankings and adding content daily. I'm ranking well with the Member Ranks although this doesn't really mean anything to my income, it does indicate that I have helped many people here.  I feel good about this and hope that those who I have helped are appreciative.  I snagged a job recently so I'm f
1 comment
April 23, 2011
Popped down to Letchworth State Park this morning for a Team training. Today's task was to bring some of the new members up to speed on their compass skills.  Letchworth State Park was created back in the 30's with the creation of the Mount Morris Dam.  This was a public works (WPA) program to control the Genesee River and keep the city of Rochester from its spring floods.  Well, the dam was doing its damnedest to keep back the spring flood.  And quite a flood it is.  We