Posts by Labman_1 199
June 22, 2011
I subscribe to the slow and steady method of IM. I'm getting things moving a bit at a time and making some progress. Haven't checked my Amazon account for a few weeks as I've been kinda busy. So, popped over to Amazon and found a few sales.  I was a bit surprised as my main site has been in the deep recesses of the web. It looks like my articles have been driving traffic there anyway.  25 sales this month.  Nothing to write home about but a pleasant surprise.  Looks like SA i
June 18, 2011
Well, looking forward to some time to work. I've completed this round of Life Tasks. Got a new Granddaughter Got a new Son-in-Law Got a new Hot tub ( That now works) Got a site that is out of the Dumper. Got a site on Page 1 Ranking 5 Got a site that need lots of work. Finished the 30 in 30 got a couple of more articles to go for a Category Expert and completed two Sub-Category experts. Helped a few new folks with some issues. All in all a pretty good month. So, tomorrow I'm going to tweek my s
June 17, 2011
For those of you who didn't think they were ready or didn't have the time last month, Kyle has announced another 30 in 30 challenge  This time it's a rolling challenge so you have 30 days from your sign up date to complete 30 articles at SA.  If you are up for it..... Click the link.  30 DAY SA CHALLENGE   Good Luck for those that accept the challenge.  
June 16, 2011
Need to say a heartfelt thanks to Jay. After my review last Friday and the ping from Jay, my site has jumped to Page 3 on Google. Guess Jay really does have magic in his fingers. Thanks Jay, for the review, the ping and all the rest.  Now I just need to find the time to make the changes you recommended. Maybe Father's Day will provide some IM time.    
June 14, 2011
Well, two down one to go. I welcomed a new life into the world today.  I didn't even have to do any of the work.  Let my daughter handle the hard part. My second Granddaughter has joined the outside world. Apgars were great, mom only had to work for about an hour.  I know all of you women that experience long labor are jealous.  Got the Hot tub up and running too. Now just get through the Wedding and I can recover.
June 09, 2011
If I counted right, I finished up my 30th article.  Looks like it will be approved in the morning so I made the deadline.  I hope.  I ran out of fingers and toes so I'm not certain I'm done.  I think I might have to continue a few more so that I can complete the 30 in one category.  That will be good for another Expert, this time in a category not a sub-category.  Geez, I don't feel like an expert.
1 comment
June 08, 2011
Yup, I love my wife.  Yup Yup. In her infinite wisdom she decided that getting a hot tub for the wedding would be a good idea. ( I inwardly groaned when I heard this news)  Yup, Yup, I love my wife.  So off she went to Craig's list ( really wish I was this Craig) and found one.  Made me drive to kingdom come to see it. ( Didn't like it) Then I went to work and whittled down the choices.  Found one at a reasonable cost within 10 miles of home.  So, we popped over to
June 04, 2011
Ok, so I made the post of the day.  Woo Hoo. Thought I'd add in another milestone that wasn't on the list. Passed the 50 article mark with SA.  I guess that means I'm  Platinum Status Seems like it was a much bigger deal with Ezine when I achieved this. Kind of like Platform 9 3/4,  pass through the wall to find the magic. Not even a congratulations from the powers that be.  Guess I'll just have to toot my own horn.  Toot toot.  Now, just a few more to get th
June 02, 2011
Well my life is going to be complicated for the next few weeks. Tonight, Phase 1 complete.  My daughter just graduated with an RN. Next( we hope) is a new Grandchild(due in 2 weeks) then with any luck a wedding.  Now, the wedding is going to happen on the 18th come hell or high water but the delivery date 3 days earlier may be a bit challenging.  Contractions have already started but as any parent knows that doesn't mean things are ready yet.  At least all of this is happenin
May 30, 2011
Seems I contracted a spring cold.  Maybe it was an allergic reaction to something.  Either way a long weekend almost took care of it. Got behind in the 30 in 30 tasks so I was feeling under the gun there too. Its all better now.  Banged out 6 articles, 2 are still pending. ( I really have to stop submitting them in the middle of the night)  This should provide a wonderful bonus tomorrow.(50 Articles submitted to SA)  Only 9 more to go and 10 days to get them done.