Posts by Labman_1 199
April 18, 2011
I'm having a problem with my SAR dog. Sooo, I figured I would put myself out there and see what the Search and Rescue community had to say.  My problem is that Elphie isn't actively searching for scent but is letting me blunder into the scent cone where she takes off to complete the find. Well, I posted on the K9SAR group at Yahoo Groups ( Sorry folks you can't get in if you aren't on a team).  One little paragraph... just a couple of sentences.  Over 60 responses in 3 days. 
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April 16, 2011
Plugging away at SA. Seems I reached a milestone. Expert Status Achieved. Now if I only felt like an expert. Platinum is in my sights.   I wonder if there's a mug.    
April 05, 2011
Recently it has been suggested that quality content requires 400 words or more.  Well, I just happened to be watching a PBS special on the war between the states.  You know the (un)Civil War.  The wrap up hit me between the eyes.  It seems that quality content can be delivered in somewhat less than 400 words.  269 to be exact.   It's called the Gettysburg Address.  Granted it was delivered by a master orator.  Although he was not thought of in those terms
March 31, 2011
Looks like I'm in the dumper again. Went from #6 to #750.  Ouch.  Climbed a bit up to #725 today but still languishing in the dumps. Hits went from descent to non-existent. Time to get some more articles out there and a few more social backlinks. I'll let you know if/when I recover.  Wish me luck   Craig H.
March 28, 2011
It's off to work I go. Wish I was still doing this full time but I ran out of cash and got an opportunity in my lap.  So off I go to a paycheck and an employer until I reach the point where this is able to support my habit of eating. Wish me luck.      
March 26, 2011
Seems I have been beating my head against the wall for a few months now. Looks like I am finally getting something to happen.  Sale yesterday and 9 more today.  So, my take home pay is like $5.00 Amazon gets the traffic but the payout leaves something to be desired.  Kudos to the Success in 30 Days Club.  I'm just following directions and watching the magic happen.  
March 25, 2011
Check your local listings Folks. Jay is at it again!! Tonights WAbinar Tracking Traffic, Keywords & Stats with Free Google Tools Bymagistudios  Looks like another winner. Join us!!
March 24, 2011
One of the 30 day tasks is to write an article( who knew) OK, an article on a news item.   Thought I'd share.  A topic near and dear to my heart.  Street Articles SAR response to Japan Feel free to donate to the Federation if you would like. I can't seem to get my team to add a donate button to their website. I am working on it.  
March 22, 2011
Sorry about the Quebecquois. A good idea for a flash mob  Our last generation has dropped the ball on environmental issues. Back in the '70s we were all gung ho and now 40 years later we are worse off than before.  Fix it with positive reinforcement.
March 19, 2011
I have a friend that has a startup. He's not Cynthia but was the driving force behind the software to make the concept work and operational.  They went live recently. Joan tweeked me to realize that this might be something that all of us might benefit from.  Kachingle It is billed as social payments.  The subscribers identify the sites that they like with a medallion click and the subscription fees are distributed to the authors. Might make a difference for some of us. Certainl
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