About Martynh
Joined September 2009
I'm Martyn from Yorkshire in the UK. I love the mountains - running, skiing, walking, climbing, adventure racing. The more extreme the better!

I got the internet bug in 2000 when I joined Ananova, the worlds first virtual web broadcaster, during the internet boom. We also syndicated content feeds to AOL, Drudge and a number of other big players. But the fun stopped when the bubble burst.

A couple of years ago I quit the corporate life as a commercial Finance Director - I'm a qualified accountant. It earned good money but wasn't me. So I opted for the somewhat more frugal route of being self employed.

In 2007 my wife, brother & myself set up an innovative online physio business. Then after grafting to boost visitor numbers, I stumbled upon WAU & realised I've hardly scratched the surface of internet marketing. Better still, I can start to earn some real money now from promoting other peoples products.

As a family we do everything together but don't spend much and don't really care too much about materialistic things...apart from our holidays!
Martynh's Accomplishments

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Bigman Premium
Now I understand the offer of money advice.
Mines easy really, I earn it and spend it.
martynh Premium
Even better for me - my wife earns, I spend it - well after the kids have finished with it that is.
StorminNorman Premium
hey Martyn great to meet ya! WA is a pretty cool place isn't it? Like you I was amazed to find out how little I knew about online marketing when I joined WA. Thanks for the friendship and good luck to you in your quest for Internet Marketing success!
StorminNorman Premium
It certainly is EASY to become obsessive in this biz and WA offers such an extreme wealth of training; absolutely incredible. I thought I knew a little about IM but since coming to WA I've found out how little I really do know. WA is most likely the best investment an aspiring marketer can make.
martynh Premium
hi Norman. This is obsessive! I'm in the middle of the Internet Marketing Course, but keen to get my teeth into 2 cracking related niches I've found.
No doubt we'll talk in the forum - I've seen some of your posts
martynh Premium
totally agree
once i see the results of my efforts, I suspect I'll forget seeking out other lines of work. I've got a strong feeling this will be my future
Ezinewriter Premium
Hello Martyn, Interesting background here. Welcome to WA and hope this will give the help you are looking for.
martynh Premium
Hi Sylviane
You've got a distinctive background too! Quite unique to have someone who's French!
klrrider Premium
Buddied up and thanks for the invite. Lets keep in touch.
martynh Premium
Yeah I've buddied up with the top ranked first up as I figure you guys know what its about!
alanc Premium
Hi Martin, My pleasure, good to see you here. I hope it all goes very well for you and if I can do anything to help them just give me a shout.