Posts by Martynh 22
March 03, 2010
One word Awesome. Just bought it and totally- I mean totally blownaway by it It not only saves acres of legwork but gives a really accurate answer Oh how I was wandering so aimlessly before! However the advice of learning the basics with free tools first was a good one. I learnt my trade in a 1000cc car. Now I've pieced it all together I've bought a souped up sports car!
February 24, 2010
I've read somewhere the average stay on WA is 5 months It took Bigman 5 months to earn his first £.  It took me 5 months to generate my first earnings. At the end of January, after 4 months at WA, I took on my first client - an online sweet shop. Sice then I've picked up about 1 a week. I've now got 5. At this rate I'll be needing help! And WA is just the place to come for help. Someone also clicked through on my forum signature last week which earned me a commission for The Best Spinner.
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According to Jupiter Research, affiliate sales are predicted to grow at an average compound annual growth rate of 13 per cent between 2009 and 2013, despite the economic downturn being experienced across the globe. Affiliate marketing drove £3bn worth of revenue in 2007, and experienced 45 per cent growth in 12 months . So if you're feeling down about Google, Squidoo & so on, look at the bigger picture and the growing sector you're operating in.
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February 02, 2010
I've been visiting the local business networking groups You know what I returned home with? 4 SEO clients who I've provided a free healthcheck report to via my website Pule Consulting I spoke confidently enough to persuade one guy to suggest I look at his 100,000 product site and introduce an affiliate scheme. Now that could be a big contract. I joined WA just over 4 months ago. My knowledge was patchy before then. You gotta learn article marketing but see that as the starting point. PotPieGir
Well I've been here 4 months now And my friends view me as an expert. Most of my learning has come from WA and I've just go to the point of putting it all together Importantly I've got a bagful of tricks, shortcuts, apps to use. Thanks to the WA Forum and PMing people I've just had a 2 hour Skype call with a consultant discussing his clients website. I could've talked all day I gave him a free website healthcheck and a prioritised action plan of what to do at £100. As expected, whilst I'd la
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January 26, 2010
I've been starting to promote my SEO consulting business with a fair bit of success. So its made me think about the extras I can provide - PPC, Design etc One obvious area is PPC which I've been purposely avoiding. I see it as a phase 2 stage I asked Carson about PPC specialists and he said why don't I do it myself? He persuaded me to go for the Certified PPC Course. Who knows, I may surprise myself! I've taken all the Article Marketing info pretty well and my learning curve is started to flatt
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There is a backdoor way to search for names in WA whilst the search facility in "Browse Spaces" is broken Go to My WA in the navigation bar -> then select WA Gold -> then scroll to the bottom under "Send some Gold" -> type in name I'm using this until the normal search is resumed Martyn
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January 09, 2010
My wife's hotmail account gets 20 emails a day - all crap Mine gets 2 a day - rarely crap Mine is a dream to manage. With hers its easy to miss genuine emails. Last month, I unsubscribed to everything. Virtually every email has an Unsubscribe button at the bottom. Most of the time it's one or two clicks and thats done.Really easy & very satisfying. Sort the inbox by "sender" first so you don't repeat unsubscribe. In the job we do, we subscribe to so much stuff that it soon clogs u
January 07, 2010
Here in the UK we've had our hardest winter for about 30 years. I won't say worst because I like dry cold snowy conditions. Yes, I love them. Really love them. But why? The weather really hampers us all getting to work. I should take pity on those poor souls who spend hours gridlocked in their cars, often overnight, struggling to get into & out of the office.... ...but I don't. As it justifies to me exactly why I quit working for someone else in the city. What a waste of time ond life! &nb
January 04, 2010
I started with a few Ezine articles getting on average 10% clickthrough & thought, OK not a bad start.. But give the next lot some beef. So the next batch are nearer 25%. Better. But Kyle and Carson said 40% was good. OK the next 2 have just been published and one is well over 50% clickthrough. It's going great guns and has a title that really socks it to em. Unlike my first tries which were a bit too polite! ----------------------------------- What did I do differently? I started using ke