Ezine 50% clickthrough

Last Update: January 04, 2010

I started with a few Ezine articles getting on average 10% clickthrough & thought, OK not a bad start.. But give the next lot some beef.

So the next batch are nearer 25%. Better.

But Kyle and Carson said 40% was good.

OK the next 2 have just been published and one is well over 50% clickthrough.

It's going great guns and has a title that really socks it to em.

Unlike my first tries which were a bit too polite!


What did I do differently?

I started using keywords from AdWords with minimum 1000 results

The keyphrase was at always at the start of the title followed by a statement (which could be verified) on how it could affect the reader

eg keyword of Collie Dog Training

= Collie Dog Training Course - Get Him Walking to Heel Within Hours 

After that stick to the title subject & don't drift off. Having the keyword as anchor text in the final paragraph acts as a good round off


I try not to spend too long dwelling over the poorly performing articles but a pattern is emerging with the sexy or personal titled articles doing a lot better

I've just got 10 published & I'm a "Basic Plus" level author. Which means another 25 to become Platinum.

2 down 23 to go. It's head down and write like mad cos I've got tons of material to write about. I've got a timer & give myself 40 mins to turn one around.

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kemanS Premium
Thank you for this post. It was like hearing a coach talk to me. Congrats on the results and keep up the hard work!
Determination, Discipline, and Will Power! Oh yeah!
setforlife Premium
Simply Wicked! No fluff, you found what works and have set goals to get platinum status. I'm borrowing that one tip.
martynh Premium
I've updated the blog with a few thoughts on what I did differently to get to 50%
alanc Premium
50% is awesome Martyn! Well done - a million miles ahead of my click-through rates.
JessicaL86 Premium
Nice work. my overall is like 11 at best.haha... feel free to pm me any tips! =D