4 Months In - Billing Clients for SEO.

Last Update: January 27, 2010

Well I've been here 4 months now

And my friends view me as an expert. Most of my learning has come from WA and I've just go to the point of putting it all together

Importantly I've got a bagful of tricks, shortcuts, apps to use. Thanks to the WA Forum and PMing people

I've just had a 2 hour Skype call with a consultant discussing his clients website. I could've talked all day

I gave him a free website healthcheck and a prioritised action plan of what to do at £100.

As expected, whilst I'd laid it all out clearly, he said his client needs it all doing but doesn't have the time. I'm about to provide 2 quotes - 1 for £50/month ($75) another for £100/month ($150).

How hard is that?

On Monday I'll offer my  action plan at half price and market myself. Just a couple of clients at £100/month and I've got quick funds to support my article writing.

Shower your friends with free advice and word will get around that you know your stuff. Thats what I did. The client I had the Skype call with today APPROACHED ME!

If you want any advice on getting going down this route PM me & I'll help you out.



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sox1n05 Premium
Martyn - that's a true success story! I've actually been talking to a friend of mine with his own painting company about managing his web presence. There's still a lot to go over, but the conversations thus far is a monthly price to provide him with listings and analytical data each month. It's amazing what can be done just by TALKING about it!

Great post!