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Last Update: January 09, 2010

My wife's hotmail account gets 20 emails a day - all crap

Mine gets 2 a day - rarely crap

Mine is a dream to manage. With hers its easy to miss genuine emails.

Last month, I unsubscribed to everything. Virtually every email has an Unsubscribe button at the bottom. Most of the time it's one or two clicks and thats done.Really easy & very satisfying.

Sort the inbox by "sender" first so you don't repeat unsubscribe.

In the job we do, we subscribe to so much stuff that it soon clogs up our inboxes

I say - if you don't read it and it brings no value, UNSUBSCRIBE

It means you pay far more attention to the emails that do arrive since you know they are ones you actually want.

Go on, its the weekend - put on some music or take your laptop in front of the TV & get started. 

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Des199 Premium
It a double edge sword. I hate 95% of everything I get... BUT... 5% is really good stuff that has opened my eyes to things I would have not have known about.

There are lessons to be learned from being subscribed to other people's email lists.

For one, you learn how to market via email!

You also get to experience what it's like to be on the receiving end of an email marketing campaign.

This helps you organize your campaigns better.

No one person can deliver stuff you want all the time... it's unrealistic and selfish to think that way.

At one time they most likely delivered something that you wanted. If anything, you own them.

lol... that being said, to each their own, by all means, if you don't want to get their email, opt out. easy-peasy!

fisheagle Premium
Really good advice, I get tied up in stuff, so thanx for the advice
fisheagle Premium
Really good advice, I get tied up in stuff, so thanx for the advice
JessicaL86 Premium
True so true. Wish I could unsubscribe from the myspace spammers. lol
idm Premium
Email is such a time waster. Eliminate it and checking it as much as possible to get things done. You gave me an idea for another blog too, thanks.