Get Off Your Butt and Network

Last Update: February 02, 2010

I've been visiting the local business networking groups

You know what I returned home with?

4 SEO clients who I've provided a free healthcheck report to via my website Pule Consulting

I spoke confidently enough to persuade one guy to suggest I look at his 100,000 product site and introduce an affiliate scheme. Now that could be a big contract.

I joined WA just over 4 months ago. My knowledge was patchy before then.

You gotta learn article marketing but see that as the starting point. PotPieGirl spends a fair bit of her time with local SEO clients nowadays.

Go out and try your hand at the local networking groups. All you need to offer is to get their website to above the fold on Google page 1. That's the holy grail for many of them. That's also part of your basic training in WA.

But remember to give them something of value for free first so they "buy into" you and it proves you know your stuff. Without that you'll be viewed by them with the same cynicism as every other SEO consultant.

I feeeeeeel a tutorial coming...




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alanc Premium
Terrific Martyn - well done! There are loads of opportunities to make money as an "internet consultant" helping small businesses. Networking is a great way to find opportunities - and when you demonstrate something of value free, you get instant credibility!
jatdebeaune Premium
That's a great idea Martyn. Something I've been toying with is a joint venture with local businesses in which I set up their websites for a hefty percentage (commission) of sales. Many of them don't have websites, and would love the extra business they could generate.