First Resource Inspired by Kyle

Last Update: November 30, 2009

 I've been considering creating my first resource.

To give something back to WA.

But I'm a newbie. What credibility do I have? Who wants to read anything I say?

Then idm put the pressure on me. He joined WA at the same time and created a good resource a couple of weeks ago.

I'm not competitive, really!

Anyhow I read Kyles excellent forum post last night "I'm really scared for internet marketers". Wow, its now all up in the air!

Many of the WA tutorials will need to be rewritten to reflect the changing landscape

And I realised I knew as well as anyone how to write a good quality article for the web. Which seemed to be something that may be of interest in a tutorial.

Write a Quality Article - Tips and Techniques


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Ruggero Premium
Good work dude! Why not give back if you have something to offer?
idm Premium
I may not have credibility, but should that stop me from giving something to others that I find valuable? I don't think so. And since we're not competing with each other, at all, I really shouldn't go and step up my game. :)