Posts by Moonstone 28
I popped this on the forum but havent had any replies, I was hopping my buddies might be able to help.  I thought I knew how todo this, but I'm in an extremely competitive market so doing the usual searchesisn't enough. Normally I type in the keyword/s into the box and work from thereand its usually a US search. But the long tailed keywords are coming up withsearches of often 50,000-150,000+ Please can someone clarify the following I am searching within the Advanced options -Locations:Unite
 I'd love to get my own product on clickbank with its own ebook cover.  I need to think what subject to do and what ebook cover software is the best, I found one here once but can no longer see it.
So I have now been offered a very good job that quadruples my income.  This also trains me further in internet marketing - so why am i hesitating?  Fear, possibly or perhaps my priorities have changed and I love the way of life I have now.  Do I do the responsible thing or do I continue to slog at WA picking up scraps?  If i do this i have virtually no time for WA or anything else either. Why does every fibre of my being scream out againts it, should i listen or should i go w
I had trouble getting this set up realising that i wouldnt be able to to a proper test in the time left I gave them my reasons and asked to cancel.  The email that came back was sarcastic and rude.  I wouldnt use them now if they were the only solution on earth!  Very Very annoyed.
1 comment
May 29, 2010
A desolate place where the wind rips the trees into twisted apparitions, where ghosts hide in the rocks.  The land is wild untamed.  Mists descend so quickly that the unwary stumble on stunted grass, lost alone to die from the chill.  The moors a beautiful world of mytery and legend, light and shadow skimming across the grass.  Where you close you eyes and shift back through the ages, hidden in the rocks protected from the winds.  The world stands still, the smell of the
May 29, 2010
Well my offline project is going well, its a lot of work, but its fun and has given my business a new lease of life.  My online projects are hotting up with the use of the DAM Way, which is fun and quick.  I've joined one of those shop sites, but Im not sure what to do with them as not getting very good shops and they are expensive to run.  Im having ago at the local sites - though where I live its mostly B&Bs and accommodation. I went for my interview and am now waiting to he
May 25, 2010
Why is it that you don't get a bus for ages then they all come at once?  Is it traffic, time of day, break downs?  I dont know, but everything has come at once.  Which is great.  I am expanding to help off line businesses online, Im getting PPC together (well as together as I can with PPC) now I have a job interview - best thing is I didnt even apply for it!  So do i go for the well paid job or continue to plot for the elusive dream getting fat on cheap food and minimum
I'd so love to do my own ebook, but have discovered that it is a sad fact of life that after ahm years on this earth there's not one topic that I know enough about to write a great ebook on.  Yes I've dabbled at lots of things.  But I'm not a professional photographer, artist, writer - well anything really.   So just how much knowledge do you really need to writer a killer ebook anyway?  Obviously you can research stuff, but should you really be telling people things unless y