Posts by Smokeywins 52
April 06, 2012
First off I should clarify that I am the other Jen, kind of like the other white meat, that has been lurking around the WA halls, not to be confused with our resident guru PotPieGirl. After reading Steve's, ie IveTriedThat's, goals post, I had to come up with one of my own, even though I have been trying to limit my posts to one a day, I figured this topic was important enough to make an exception. Having been very bad at this in the past, I have mostly left it up to my brain to try
One of the critical keys to a successful online business is the content that you put in your About Me page, yet so many of us have seem to have a fear of telling their visitors who they really are, or how they became such a loyal supporter of their given product of choice. Even something as simple as adding a photo of themselves to the page has many running for the hills. Maybe its because some think they don't photograph well, or maybe its just the fact that they don't want their im
For months I had been trying to do everything at once. Work FT, while selling items on eBay as well as working on my sites here at WA. During this time I constantly found myself struggling with the feeling of being overwhelmed, simply because I was unable to concentrate on one task without another one popping into my head, dragging my attention off in a completely different direction. On many an occasion I have referred to this as "shiny object syndrome" and it wasn't until a few
While in the process of working through the backlog of all the magazines that have arrived at my home, I happened upon an article in the Jan copy of Entrepreneur that almost happened to hit the nail on the head when it comes the key element that Kyle and Carson have been trying to ingrain in our heads in the past few months is that quality content is key to a sites success. It was just interesting to learn that this very key element can be considered critical to the success of brick and mortar
February 28, 2012
Between being under the weather, the stress of the job and not to mention the endless bills that arrive in the mail, the past few weeks have gone by in pretty much of a blur and I have little to no site progress to show for it. I know that I need to keep marching forward, but the events of life in general seem to have a strangle hold on me. If you don't already know, the job of an IT professional can be stressful, and that constant level of stress takes its tole on both my physical and mental he
The following is the most recent post made to my personal blog New followers are welcome. While I try my best to not use profanity, some topics may not be for the faint of heart as it is the uncensored musings of various subjects I deal with in life, Reader discretion is advised.  "This thought has been bothering me quite a bit the past few days.  How in the heck am I supposed to work on building a reputation and a following for my business when all m
As it has been awhile since I've been in the IM game, I just wanted to share some good news with my WA friends that the first of my SA articles that is promoting my Etsy store has been approved!  What to Look For When Choosing a Catnip Cat Toy   Please check it out when you have a chance and if you have any feedback about my content or my site, please let me know as constructive criticism is one of the few ways we learn new things.    
January 26, 2012
I couldn't help but think about this while I was stuck, yet again, on a conference call for work that ran over the allotted time. Now before you go thinking that I'm going to start waxing philosophical about life in general, I'm actually referring to the reasoning why we all find ourselves here at WA. While most may answer with the reasoning of wanting to make more money for themselves,  the amount that makes one feel comfortable seems to vary from one person to the next. Some may want to
January 23, 2012
I started out the new year with high hopes and high expectations of what I wanted to accomplish and it only took three weeks for me to feel like I've been pushed off track.Why does this keep happening to me? I'm not trying to make excuses for why I can't do something, it just that I feel like I'm lost, not knowing which way to turn, or what to do next. So instead of doing something, I end up doing absolutely nothing which leaves me feeling like an utter failure.  One of the most common offe
I had posted this on my personal blog, and wanted to share it with my friends here as well. The more people we get to vote no, the better our chances of retaining our Freedom of Speech by kicking these bills to the curb: "Those who are casual users of the internet are probably not aware of the two major bills that could potentially have a huge effect on the websites you visit on a daily basis. As a entrepreneur in the Internet Marketing realm, the internet is a HUGE part of my business. I a
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