Posts by Tans 17
January 05, 2010
I just finished reading slugger_mn's blog post about blogger monkeys and after being away and out of range to work on my business it was a great read. Definitely a good blog to get you back on track after a very peaceful refreshing holiday. My aim this month is to get another five pages up and running for WA. It seems the most popular key words so far for my advertising campaign are "work from home" through microsoft ad center so I will be tailoring sales pages for WA directly related
December 08, 2009
I haven't blogged for a while. I've been flat out building backlinks for my site, writing articles for squidoo, my blog, hubpages, ezines etc. I love writing so it's not a problem but I would have expected to see more traffic by now as well.  The constant work required to build traffic is quite mind blowing. I'm sure though that putting in the groundwork will pay dividends long-term - which is what I want. Ezines seems to be bringing in the most traffic so far which I find kind of amazing
November 23, 2009
It's been so long since I posted on WA that I almost forgot how to do it. I've been really busy writing articles, tweaking my website for SEO optimisation and posting to my blog. But, I've also been fighting/struggling and swearing at Google Adwords! Without being egotistical, I think that I have a pretty good grasp of the english language and a fairly broad vocabulary. But, do you think I can find the keywords on Google Adwords to get an ad on page one? Nope! I struggled with it for four days a
In the famous words of Arnie Swarz "I'm back!". I am sure that you have all been far too busy developing your businesses but I've been on an out of range holiday for a few weeks and found that I have really missed the contact! It's kind of nice being connected online when you work from home. Just a quick update, I managed to get my status changed at today to Expert Author which is really exciting for me. Adds a bit more credibility for my site. I have nearly completed a res
October 03, 2009
Awesome!  My website is now published and I love it. A few more tweeks and I'll be a happy internet marketer.  Feedback most welcome! Thanks. Tania.
September 29, 2009
Well, I'm on a roll. I published my first two articles today and wrote 5 others that I will be editing and publishing tomorrow.   I'll be famous any minute! lol
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September 17, 2009
Well, today is the day that I leap in and start my first PPC campaign promoting WA.  Can't wait!  My next blog post will be on my progress. No need to cross fingers - I'm on my way.
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