Posts by Taradm 7
July 10, 2012
Wow, it's been a while! :) I just have a simple question about keywords and SEO.Is it better to use every keyword and keyword phrase you can? Or is it better to only use a couple, that focus on the main point of the content?Currently, I use the keywords that I've researched, and then I also pull out whatever I can from what I've written naturally. Could this be hurting my SEO? Secondly, I don't use a keyword unless I can use it verbatim. So here I'm thinking about those awkw
1 comment
June 09, 2012
I've been having this issue, and I'm curious if it happens to anyone else and what you can do about it. I put a "hire me" page on one of my sites to do IM, and I've gotten a few responses, but I know at least a couple of them were completely bogus. I just got another one, did a google search for the Email, and found it was someone from Pakistan advertising an email extractor. How am I supposed to know which emails to actually follow up with and which ones are these extractor schemes?
June 06, 2012
Hi everyone! I'm working on a site right now that's dedicated solely to WA, and I need some help with the content. I've written a review, but I'd like to add a "testimonials" page. I've noticed a lot of people put up a screenshot of the success stories in the forum. I'll probably do that too, but I'd like some more personal comments too.Would a few of you mind ...1) Writing a very short review. Just give me just a couple sentences about why you like WA and think it
May 15, 2012
Alright FTP, you win ... for now!  >:P
I'm hoping someone can help with a bit of a technical issue ... again :s  I got some good feedback on my site which I've implemented, except one thing. I want to change the domain name to another name I have. I couldn't find anything in the training for that specific issue, so I started just copying the content from my wah101 site to the new domain. Then I remembered something - I read at some point that search engines don't like duplicate content, and they migh
May 11, 2012
Very last task of the day and I almost forgot. I've done a lot of updating on 2 of my sites in the last week and I'd really appreciate some feedback on it - whatever your good at - the writing, the design, format, the seo (I'm guilty of not paying enough attention to my keyword list I'm afraid :s) I am weirdly not averse to criticism, so let me know if there's anything you think might help. The first one is my work at home site. Right now it's got "reviews" und
May 08, 2012
Wow there are a lot of new people here! And I haven't even properly introduced myself yet! I'm Tara, I just got married to my boyfriend of 11 years. We have a 4 year old son together, a 12 year old dog, and a turtle. It's all in my "About me" lol! I had been working in internet marketing for a little while before I found WA, but not long. I had a lot going on in the last few weeks, so my progress has been a little lackluster. Like I said, I got married recently. I did a