Can I change the domain now?

Last Update: May 13, 2012
I'm hoping someone can help with a bit of a technical issue ... again :s 

I got some good feedback on my site which I've implemented, except one thing. I want to change the domain name to another name I have.

I couldn't find anything in the training for that specific issue, so I started just copying the content from my wah101 site to the new domain. Then I remembered something - I read at some point that search engines don't like duplicate content, and they might flag my site ... is that right? 

So I'd really appreciate it if someone could tell me how or IF I can just change the domain on my current site, without having to start over under the new domain name. Or if there IS training on it, and I just couldn't find it, maybe you could point me in the right direction? 

Thanks in advance! 
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TJ Books Premium
When I say, Point, I mean Forward the domain at the registrar such as Godaddy or where ever you have keep your domains. John
TJ Books Premium
You can just point the second domain to the first if you like. But if you have a new use for the first domain, you will want to move the content. John
stadium Premium
There goes Sielke knowing everything again:0
Sielke Premium
yes you can, download the files and database before you upload, you'll change the urls to your new domain using the update_option() function in functions.php, its a bit technical but totally doable. let me know if you want to do this and ill be glad to help
stadium Premium
I wouldn't copy the info but rewrite it. Is there many pages ?