One Last Thing WA

Last Update: May 11, 2012
Very last task of the day and I almost forgot. I've done a lot of updating on 2 of my sites in the last week and I'd really appreciate some feedback on it - whatever your good at - the writing, the design, format, the seo (I'm guilty of not paying enough attention to my keyword list I'm afraid :s) I am weirdly not averse to criticism, so let me know if there's anything you think might help.

The first one is my work at home site. Right now it's got "reviews" under the products tab. I've got another program to review, but I haven't added it yet.

The second one is a free site I have that I used to use for my work at home site, but I took everything off, and basically just wrote a WA review and put up some banners. It's a little better on the keywords but I'm not crazy about how it's laid out, so I'm very open to suggestion here ...

Okay, so now I'm REALLY going to bed, lol!. Good luck out there! :)
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DABK Premium
The next time you get a domain name, don't do wah... If is taken and is taken, go for or or Anything short that's got the keyword.

Like others have said, the header is too big and doesn't do much for you. sells images for not much, $6 bucks minimum purchase, depending on the size of the image, it might be all you need to pay.

Search for work at home images... it's got them. Pick one you like. It will do much for the feel of your site.

Write in short paragraphs, no more than 4 lines, vary paragraph length.

Don't center the whole article... hard to read.

Bold, italicize, color some words... to make it easier to read. Also, some people only skim... All your articles should be written for readers and for skimmers. For skimmers, you need to bold what you want their eyes to jump to. If you don't, they'll choose where to jump next... and it might make for a boring read:

Hi, everyone... that kind of responsibility... a recipe that... chance to succeed... run out placing ads... Period. The sooner you learn... However that is not to... It happens all the time... my blog... made especially for beginners.


I'm a full-time marketer...

Actually, upon reading your article... I'd say you first have to change it... All you do, except in the last sentence is be very convincing that working from home is a bad idea.

Tell people right in the beginning that you've created this blog to help them avoid mistakes you've made, pitfalls. Then go into some of the pitfalls you've dealt with, then sum it up by saying again that you've created this blog so they don't make the same mistakes.

I'd start something like this

I'm a full-time marketer that makes x kind of income, so I love my job. But to get to this type of income wasn't easy. Because there was nobody to guide me and there are a lot of sharks out there.

The sharks out there is the reason I created this blog. I want to help people get started in the work at home field by

the rest of what you have in the last paragraph is good... It would be better if you provided them the tools and steps you took, the results of tests you've done... tests of software, of programs...

And make the whole thing personal. Yes, you're using 'I' but there's nothing personal.

For instance, you could say, I bought software that promised to do xyz, but it did not. And name names of bad products (and make sure you have used them) and name names of good ones (and make sure you've used them). And tell people to read the review page of each software (and link to that page) for your full experience with it.

Also, don't call your page 'home' except in the navigation tab (there's a way to do that from wordpress dashboard, menus... but you'll have to disable the top menu... There's a way to do that from the dashboard by changing the code, it's under appearances that you find the codes for your site).

You need to learn to write persuasively... You can click on the 2nd link of my forum signature to get to an awesome product for that or you can look Kyle's profile in and study his articles. Or asking him to send you the link to the couple of articles on the subject he's written...

SEO pages... keyword in url and title are a must.
taradm Premium
Okay, I'm back. Short shift - it's part-time. So anyway I'm not sure if you got my post from this morning? When I came back, it just said "null." In case ...

No problem - I will change the theme. And by "work at home images" - do you mean people working at their laptops on the couch, outside, that kind of thing?

I will left-justify

Domain - Yes, I'd wondered abut that, becuse I'm familiar with the acronym WAH, but I don't know that it's something many people would know.

so the new domain will now be I also have a if you think that would be better.

The part about it not being personal - I'm a little disappointed, because that was the first critique I got on the site, so I tried to be very consicous of it this time. However, I did focus mostly on my "About Me" section, so I'll try to incorporate more personal info on the other pages too. Did you read that page, and if so do you think it's personal enough?

Thank you soo much, this is exactly the kind of critique I was looking for! :)
georgejhaas Premium

Upon looking at your second site, you have a banner at the bottom which is blocking text. You need to fix that area.

2nd, WA no longer has the $97 membership fee for Platinum. Platinum now costs $359.95, which is an annal payment and averages $30 per month. A lot better than $47 per month. You can share this information on your page. Remove the $97, and add the $359.95. The user must commit to the annual fee.

3rd, on the Gold membership you get up to 10 domains and not three. Change this information.

4th, make the lines that describe the feature in a bullet format. It will make it stand out better and not clutter your page.

I hope this helps.

taradm Premium
O! :S I'll go change that right now!
Ok, I'll get to the rest of it later, but I updated the pricing! That was a pretty critical oversight on my part. THANK YOU for catching it!
georgejhaas Premium

I took a peak at First, your header banner is to big. You want to see the title of the first paragraph and some text within the visual page area. This is about 1/3 of the page that is displayed on the users computer. Your banner takes up nearly all of this valuable space.

Second, make all your text left-justified. Every line should line up on the left side of the page.

Third, when you add additional pages, from the home page be sure to link to them. These will count as backlinks which is good.

taradm Premium
Great advice, and I will implement every bit of it! ... ... after work. Goin to the day job in about an hour! Thank so much!!