Would you mind? :)

Last Update: June 06, 2012
Hi everyone! I'm working on a site right now that's dedicated solely to WA, and I need some help with the content. I've written a review, but I'd like to add a "testimonials" page. I've noticed a lot of people put up a screenshot of the success stories in the forum. I'll probably do that too, but I'd like some more personal comments too.

Would a few of you mind ...

1) Writing a very short review. Just give me just a couple sentences about why you like WA and think it's a valuable resource

2) If you don't mind maybe include your name and a url to one of your sites that I can post? :s

I know a lot of marketers are very private about their niches, so I fully understand if you don't want to! But doesn't hurt to ask, right?

The reason is that I just want to demonstrate that there are a lot of different things you can do in "work at home" in a more concrete way than just saying it over and over.

I get people asking all the time "what is this for?" They don't seem to get the concept that it can be used for anything. It was a hard concept for me to grasp at first too, lol! I remember even when I was on the 30 day success club, I kept asking myself "but WHAT am I selling??" So I understand the confusion, and I'd like to be able to show them ...

Thanks in advance! Hope you're all having a great day! :)
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Ezshop24 Premium
Your website looks good but on the review page the image of Carson is over some text on my monitor. You should check it out on other monitors to see if this is happening. Good luck. Let me know if I can help you.

taradm Premium
Oh great :P I'll fix it now. Thanks for letting me know!!
taradm Premium
Thanks again to ALL of you! If you wanna see how I used em ...

klrrider Premium
Nice job and thanx for the back link. One suggestion though... you should have the testimonial links open in a new window because you don't want your visitors leaving your site. VISIBLE TEXT HERE
Ezshop24 Premium
Wealthy Affiliate has given me the tools to market my software successfully online. If you study the material offered at Wealthy Affiliate, you will learn all of the latest internet marketing techniques to move your keywords to the first page of Google. Wealthy Affiliate has changed my life for the better!

Paul Q. Owner of Quote2sale - Sales Lead Tracking and Quote Management Software http://www.quote2sale.com
klrrider Premium
Although I am not the sharpest tool in the shed, Wealth Affiliate University has taught me the necessary skill to make part time income online. The real assistance for me is how members will jump in and help you with the tough spots.

Bob H. http://ronniestickets.com/
taradm Premium
Prime example. Thanks!
powerpenguin Premium
Here's one for you, Taradm. I've personally used WA on and off over the last 4 years for every major consulting and affiliate marketing project I've been involved with. WA has a number of great tools that help you find the most profitable product niches, and there's a great community of people who are willing to help you along the way.

Andrew B, http://powerpenguinnix.vemma.com
taradm Premium
Perfect PowerPenguin! (I just like saying it ;)
Thanks for your help!!!