
Last Update: May 08, 2012

Wow there are a lot of new people here! And I haven't even properly introduced myself yet! I'm Tara, I just got married to my boyfriend of 11 years. We have a 4 year old son together, a 12 year old dog, and a turtle. It's all in my "About me" lol! I had been working in internet marketing for a little while before I found WA, but not long.

I had a lot going on in the last few weeks, so my progress has been a little lackluster. Like I said, I got married recently. I did all the planning for the wedding, so it was a little crazy (and by "it" I mean "I") But the honeymoon was great, and now I'm rested and re-focused on getting some work done. The 30 day club is great, but I tend to get off track after a while. :s It's weird, I can be very focused and thorough, almost ocd! But I can also be a little all over - I know seems like a contradiction right? Let me clarify ... I'm very focused ... until my curiosity is piqued and then I'm very focused on a new topic! Gotta work on that. Tomorrow's plan is to FOLLOW THE PLAN!  Lol!  Good luck everyone! :) 

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Deezdz Premium
Nice to meet you Tara...Welcome to WA and all the best to you!
taradm Premium
Thank you, you too! :)
Arc2011 Premium
Good luck to you
taradm Premium
and to you!