Any way to tell?

Last Update: June 09, 2012
I've been having this issue, and I'm curious if it happens to anyone else and what you can do about it. I put a "hire me" page on one of my sites to do IM, and I've gotten a few responses, but I know at least a couple of them were completely bogus. I just got another one, did a google search for the Email, and found it was someone from Pakistan advertising an email extractor. How am I supposed to know which emails to actually follow up with and which ones are these extractor schemes?
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nightowlpc Premium
Your problem with people using a Extractor program getting your email address. I would say take your email address off your blog and use a form with a verifier to filter out the spider out and bots from filling the form out. this is the only thing I can think..
and request some info on what they need done.Do you have a photo of you on it?
taradm Premium
I don't have my email address on my blog, but my Contact Me form comes to my email. Do they do this manually? Because I did exchange a couple messages with one before I researched it. And yes, I do have a photo of me on my "About Me" page, but not the contact pages.
taradm Premium
I also think it's weird that I had a "Contact Me" page before, and never got stuff like this. I put up the new page, and I've been getting at least 1/day since.