Posts by Thadius 13
AS the WORLD TURNS..........sooo ...........boredom. Using Wordpress to create a website can be time consuming...but enjoyable. Haven't found anything that jumps out at me yet.   Now choosing a domain??!!!!...........WOOoohh...that was a tuffy. All the good ones are already taken, lol. Well im just winging it right now until i get the hang of things.  One of my favorite motivational successful teachers, Mike Littman, always stated..."
So i started this program..and yes, it is overwhelming, lol. Im doing the twelve week action plan but it seems like every other paragraph, youre taken to a new link ...or required to open new links that goes really in depth about something im not sure I should be trying to study so early on. I hope all this "in your face" information will come to me in an organized stream of data that makes since. I hope im not the only one that feels this way. IF I am, th
February 05, 2011
I never really understood the hype behind blogging. Is it about empathizing with a  person's trials and triubulations in dealing with life? What do people get out of it? I think its almost like watching or reading a soap opera.  I must admit that while I am engaging in this mundane act, It does feel a little liberating....putting my thoughts out there. Not really sure why other people would want to read about them. However, maybe im suppose to have a
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