Posts by Nathaniell 43
Since Googles amazing update, all kinds of rubbish content is outranking my sites.  The catch is that it's MY website content, copied, pasted, put on another blog, and had the links switched out.  Word for word, and linking to some other douchebag's site.  Meanwhile my money site is off the radar. Usually I ignore stuff like syndicated articles without the proper links because whatever, it's there and it's way back on page 10 or 20.  This stuff is ranking
April 25, 2012
I need to hire a team to work on my sites in the next week or so, and relized I'll have to do a lot of sending the same instructions.  Is there a way to send one document to a group of poeple through Google Circles or other web app? It would be nice if I could just creat one set or resources, upload them to a single place, and then say 'go for it'. If this doesn't exist, there's your million dollar idea.
April 19, 2012
I requested a training on how to move WP hosting not more than a week ago, and what do you know - a training on how to move WP appears when I log into WA today.  Amazing.  It's like having a personalized trainer really.  Thanks Sielke!
I'm coming back to the US soon, and have been abroad so long that I don't actually know how much a decent wage is in the US.  How much would you say an average person makes in The US before/after taxes?  What about upper-middle class? What about pretty rich? I guess I just want to double check that I'll be able to live off my IM $.
April 15, 2012
It's funny, coming from a person who used to try to make the cheeky URL drop in the comment section of a blog, but I've been getting a lot of spammy comments in SA lately. Ok, but a lot, I mean a couple a month, which isn't bad. Still, it's annoying when someone plays the system and writes, "Hey, have you heard of stupidurl_dot_com? It's obvious their first attempt got blocked by the filter. Perhaps a good idea for SA in the future is to allow commenting only after a
April 14, 2012
I've posted a forum topic asking a couple questions about the FB business pages.  Anyone who has time to check it out and answer anything you can is welcome.  Thanks a lot!
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April 13, 2012
Yup, over the week I've spend about 8 hours trying to get my Author pic in Google SERPs, and no dice.  Here's the forum topic, in case any one wants to see Originally my pic was showing up in the richsnippits tester, but now it's not.  I've also changed got a rel="me" tag going somewhere. If anyone has any experience with this, some advice would be nice.  Just about every tutorial
I guess I should have paid attention to the advice given to me so many times - pictures help your CTR.  I ignored this for quite a while, being too lazy to add a pic before submitting my article.  I recently started to do this and say my CTR skyrocket. While I was averating about 2% before, I'm now getting about 5%. Same topics, same niche, same KW.
March 08, 2012
Yet another reliable source for getting my content out there is pretty much dead to me.  They were pretty good in the past for getting stuff published and not being too fussy about it, but I recently submitted a group of articles, typed by myself, all original, 600+ words, containing only 1 link each.  So far 1/6 were accepted and the others were rejected as being 'too promotional'. But they're accepting articles about Billy Crystal hosting the Oscars - because that's important! Just a
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February 08, 2012
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