Posts by Nathaniell 43
May 19, 2011
The temptation of no work. Coming home from another night on the booze, I ran into some clickbank advert.  Man, these SEO guys are really good at what they do.  I really want to buy this.  I'll put the link here...there's an affiliate link in it.  It's not mine.  Don't know whose it is, but the site is so seductive.  Talking about "no work" and "all money".  It does it all for for.  There's no way it works like the advert says, but it's
You know the worst thing about getting links from forums?  It's actually participating in them.  Really.  I've been hanging out in some forums, chatting around here and there trying to get some links in signatures and it's been terrible.  Really, lots of people in forums are very unwelcoming.  What I've found, is that a forum is usually dominated by a few individuals with like 10,000 posts, and as soon as I say anything, commenting or what not, they come back with really
March 24, 2011
Backlinking like crazy with articles and comments but my site hasn't moved. I'll give it a couple weeks but it's frustrating.  ... Lame.
March 21, 2011
I've been browsing the SA articles and have found that some authors aren't putting links in their articles...Does this make sense to me? Not really. Are they writing about acne and weightloss and submitting to articles directories because they've got nothing better to do? I doubt it. So what's the deal?
1 comment
March 13, 2011
I'm getting ranked page 1 in like two hours of getting approved. WTF. Good stuff, hope it lasts. Too bad i'm still not making sales, must be a problem with my landing page. Or maybe I'm too handsome.
October 19, 2010
You guys ever see that episode of the simpsons where Homer chants, "I am so smart! I am so smart! That's how I feel. In the late hours of Tuesday evening I figured out that most of my sales were coming from a certain region and wrote an article based on it. In the morning I had 4 sales (compared to my mere 20 in the last two months).  The Chinese have and old Proverb, "Guys from Cali make TOO much money on the internet"  Not Really  Next step, get those damn cockroa
October 08, 2010
Still grinding out backlinks hoping I'm going in the right direction.  One of my sites keeps jumping from spot 3 page one to spot 1 page 2 and I can't figure out why.  10 days and no sales.  The other one has yet to pop up anywhere in the first few pages.  To much competition. The good news is that I did get an article stolen!  Well, I don't know if stolen is the right word, someone used the article without my links.  I guess someone knows my stuff is out there. For
October 05, 2010
Well I've finally made it to the point where I've got three websites, lots of articles for each, and am working on backlinks for them. Two have made money, but not much.  It seems like an endless sea of backlinks and article spinning and article submission and my page rank/conversions rate/traffic seems to have leveled out.  Where to next?  Is this normal?
1 comment
September 23, 2010
UPDATE: The article spinning never happened. This is why I never blogged before, because I do silly things write about drunk article spinning. Oh well, you live and you learn. What age is it when you're no longer a kid being a kid - just an adult being an idiot? haha Oh ya, what is lmao? Is James Doro drunk too and calling me a lamo?
September 20, 2010
ya, WA, i thought for a while that my buddy tak was myblg baut im herenow. wow.ya thats the eway things are. i gues seo will have to wai tfor now  because i'n getting home from a niht of makeing fiends. doing busineess ing cina is definintey different form thest. i'm goint to spin an aritcle now but i think ther will be spelling eeros.