Posts by Slien 8
June 29, 2010
As I mentioned in April, I decided to 'start from scratch' after being absent for a time. I'm currently still working through a bunch of tutorials and crossing items off my to-do list in my re-engagement here at WA. I may not be cruising through as fast as I'd like but I am coasting at a steady pace and I'm happy about that. I do believe my decision was a good one. Instead of trying to pick up with things that I may not be completely ready to do, taking a few steps back and re-enforcing some of
June 10, 2010
Sometimes I find it easy to get distracted from the tasks that will lead to 100% independence. It is so easy to let others' needs and objectives take least for me. You see, I have a part-time job while I work at establishing my own business with a heavy focus on IM. I also have a highly demanding website that I manage on a volunteer basis for a non-profit organization. Now, I truly love the organization and love being able to help but it often demands too much of my time and energ
April 18, 2010
I've been away from WA for awhile. Basically, I've been in a knee jerk state for far too long. I lost my 'job' in Nov. 2008. I spent a few months taking seminars, reading books, doing a bunch of different things to update my skill set to either (1) find another job or (2) start my own business.  Several months after becoming unemployed I found the world of internet marketing. I wish I would have found it earlier in my transitional stage because I am sure I would have seen several successes
November 12, 2009
I've been away from WA for a few days. As a result my 50% research/ 50% action is a little skewed for the last several days. After accessing and reviewing Revelation's external website, I decided I should put a little effort into working on my own a bit. I've spent the last several days learning & learning to love WordPress as another tool to use in my IM venture. I've now got an official blog. I never thought I'd (1) Facebook or (2) Twitter. Now, I'm doing both and I've added a WordPress bl
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November 01, 2009
I've finished and published my first review on Squidoo. It's not my first article as I wrote one last week that had nothing to do with IM to get aquainted with the tool. But, now that I've established one Affiliate relationship (with another being reviewed) I finally got the article published. I have at least 2 more articles on my To Do list for this week for the same service provider. I'm hoping that writing a few articles with links to each will get some activity. Feel free to check it out &am
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November 01, 2009
I noticed last week when I went to fill out the Commission Junction & Amazon affiliate applications that they both required a website and CJ required a privacy policy with some pretty specific information included. So, I threw together a quick two-page site, albeit temporary, to fulfill those two requirements. The site is definitely not completed but at least I have a first-draft of a privacy statement up and a URL to provide companies that require it. So, now that I've got that out of the w
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October 27, 2009
The ball is rolling. I spent a significant amount of time yesterday reviewing some of the tutorials on Squidoo (thank you PotPieGirl & Revelation) and and in Squidoo itself. And, I'm happy to report that I published my first article before I called it a night. Before I provide a link in the event that you want to review my initial efforts in the Article Marketing arena, I have to qualify the lens I posted. I submitted an Affiliate application to a company I have a business relationship with
October 25, 2009
Happy Sunday afternoon to all. I was laid off from a data analysis job in November of 2008. I was not at all sad about it as I saw it as the best opportunity to start my own business and take control of my own destiny. I have so many worthwhile efforts that I'd rather spend my time on then traveling to a desk job 5 days a week. Being my own boss is the only way I can fulfill so many dreams. How exciting to find a great opportunity in Affiliate Marketing & Wealthy Affiliate. I am still makin