Excited to get rolling

Last Update: October 25, 2009

Happy Sunday afternoon to all. I was laid off from a data analysis job in November of 2008. I was not at all sad about it as I saw it as the best opportunity to start my own business and take control of my own destiny. I have so many worthwhile efforts that I'd rather spend my time on then traveling to a desk job 5 days a week. Being my own boss is the only way I can fulfill so many dreams. How exciting to find a great opportunity in Affiliate Marketing & Wealthy Affiliate.

I am still making my way through some really helpful tutorials. Now, I'm a Leo, so I am not known for having a lot of patience. Needless to say, I'm itching to put what I've read so far together with what I already know about marketing (a bachelor's degree in the subject) and the internet (I am working on starting my own web design business) together with what the masses at Wealthy Affiliate know about IM.

 A lot of what I've read so far makes complete sense and reinforces what I already know about having a web presence. I find myself a little confused as to which direction I want to go with the Affiliate Networks. I registered for a Clickbank account but would rather start with traditional products versus digital products as I'm more comfortable with that at this point. I am looking for insight on getting set up with some of the other networks if anyone has any insight or knows where I can find it in the tutorials, I'd be most appreciative.

As I am still officially considered unemployed I'm hoping to make some early strides into making the Affiliate Marketing thing work so I don't have to resort to a traditional job while I work on also developing my web design business. I am still optimistic that I can avoid an 8-5/5 day a week desk job but time is running out. 

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slien Premium
Thanks GARRD. That's great advice. I will give Amazon a shot today. I truly appreciate the help.
Garrd Premium
You can find all kind of products from amazon that you can sell and use squidoo for that look at potpie's tutorials on squidoo it will give you lots of Ideas

To your success
Getting Affiliate Respect Responsibly Daily
Garrd Premium
You can find all kind of products from amazon that you can sell and use squidoo for that look at potpie's tutorials on squidoo it will give you lots of Ideas

To your success
Getting Affiliate Respect Responsibly Daily