What better motivation

Last Update: June 10, 2010

Sometimes I find it easy to get distracted from the tasks that will lead to 100% independence. It is so easy to let others' needs and objectives take priority...at least for me.

You see, I have a part-time job while I work at establishing my own business with a heavy focus on IM. I also have a highly demanding website that I manage on a volunteer basis for a non-profit organization. Now, I truly love the organization and love being able to help but it often demands too much of my time and energy. The part time job is ok but due to its nature I have to work with some people who are not the ideal coworker.

My question is, why do I continue to let these overtake my life? I guess it is habit. I haven't broken the habit of letting the needs of others take priority over my needs and goals. I've decided these are the small things that I should sweat. Having these annoyances and frustrations in my life is a great motivator for me to get working on my goals already. 

I know a lot of people look to the things they can add to their lives (like trips, cars, vacations) to motivate themselves to develop a successful online business. Dreaming is great and has definite value. But, I am also going to think about the things that I can cut out of my life when I am successful and independent, when I can fully determine how I spend my time each day.  

Here's to all of us being able to cut unimportant things out of our lives.

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